
5 Valorant Nerfed Agents That Were So Powerful They Had to be Balanced!!

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The meta in Valorant is always changing, and the battleground is where agents rise and fall. The level of competition is determined by the agents’ skills and flaws.

But sometimes some agents get so strong that they change the whole game. The Nerf Hammer is used by Riot Games to bring these powerful agents back into line with their peers. Let’s look at the stories of five Valorant nerfed agents who used to rule the battlefield with an iron hand but gave up in the end.

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Top Valorant nerfed agents in history

1. Jett (Duelist)

Should Jett no longer be feared?

First on the list of Valorant nerfed agents is Jett. Jett was once the best duelist because she was so quick and accurate that no one else could match her. With her dangerous “Blade Storm” and unmatched agility, she danced through rounds killing everyone in her path. But did the Nerf Hammer finally bring this flying hero to the ground?

Due to Jett’s massive power, Riot Games cut her wings, which made her “Blade Storm” have three instead of five throwing knives. Also, they made her “Bladestorm” dash slightly less powerful and longer-lasting, so Jett players have to be more careful and precise when they fight. Other duelists were able to shine without being in Jett’s shade after these changes smoothed the playing field.

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2. Viper (Controller)

Is Viper’s poisonous grip now less tight?

Second on the list of Valorant nerfed agents is Viper. The queen of poison, used to rule the battlefield with her dangerous poisons and tight control. Anyone who tried to enter her “Viper’s Pit” would be punished. It could turn whole maps into dangerous mazes. But has the balance of power changed in the field of toxicology?

To make Viper less of a threat, Riot Games shortened the length of her “Viper’s Pit” and slightly decreased the damage her poisons did. Because of these changes, Viper players had to be smarter about how they used her powers, working with teammates instead of just depending on how they suffocated enemies. Even though the battlefield is still dangerous, there is now space for other people to breathe.

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3. Omen (Controller)

Is Omen’s Dark Reign Almost Over?

Third on the list of Valorant nerfed agents is Omen. The master of shadows, used to stir up trouble for his enemies by controlling the darkness itself. His “Paranoia” could quickly change the course of fight, leaving his enemies confused. That being said, has the mysterious command finally been brought into the light?

To keep Omen from being too useful, Riot Games made the blinding effect of his “Paranoia” last less time and the casting time for his “Teleportation” longer. Because of these changes, Omen players had to be more careful about how they used their abilities, choosing strategic smokes and gaps over constant barrages that made people scared. Perhaps they will still whisper his name, but now they’ll talk about balance.

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4. Raze (Duelist)

How Much of Raze’s Explosive Fury Is Left?

Fourth on the list of Valorant nerfed agents is Raze. The fiery expert in explosives, once set the battlefield on fire with her arsenal of explosives, destroying everything in her path. Enemies would have to run for cover when her “Paint Shells” and “Showstopper” hit the ground. But has the fierce duelist been put out for good?

Riot Games made Raze’s “Paint Shells” weapons less powerful and her “Showstopper” rocket take longer to load so she wasn’t so explosively dominant. Because of these changes, Raze players had to rely more on the careful use of grenades and accurate shooting instead of overwhelming weapons. Even though the ground beneath her still shakes, she has a chance to stand firm now.

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5. Sage (Sentinel)

Is Sage’s healing touch going away?

Fifth on the list of Valorant nerfed agents is Sage. Sage, who was her team’s guardian angel, used to fix and support them in ways that no one else could. Her “Healing Orb” and “Resurrection” could quickly change the course of the fight and bring her fallen friends back to life. 

Riot Games lowered Sage’s “Healing Orb’s” healing power and made her “Resurrection” cooldown much longer to deal with her almost-mandatory presence. Because of these changes, teams had to depend less on Sage’s revive ability and use her healing and barrier powers in a more planned way. There is still a lot of danger on the battlefield, but now there is a chance for other support troops to shine.

So these were all the Valorant nerfed agents that were so powerful they had to be balanced.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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