
All Agents in Division Resurgence Beta

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Discover the complete roster of agents in Division Resurgence Beta and strategize your team composition by understanding each agent’s unique skills and abilities for maximum effectiveness.

The Division Resurgence Regional beta is going to be available for selected users for a limited time from June 13. This would be an indeed special day for the developers of the game as they are all set to display their work on the game so far. Those who are familiar with the IP would have an idea about the game and its mechanism and the other features it has to offer. One of the new features and this game is the introduction of agents into the storyline.

When players start their journey in the Division Resurgence Beta they will have access to create the characters. It is quite similar to Division 2. But this time the mobile versions will also include 4 agents with unit specialization and each of them offers something new to the team’s styles and abilities.

The Division Resurgence beta test

Are you wondering who these agents are? Don’t worry as we have got you covered with detailed info on these agents who are in The Division Resurgence Regional beta.

All Agents in Division Resurgence Beta

According to the report, there are currently 4 different agent specializations added to the game. However, it’s possible that it changes when the game is officially released but the developers have not mentioned anything about adding more agents so far.

So let’s have a look at the agents that have entered the grounds of the Division Resurgence Regional Beta test.



The first agent’s specialization is Demolitionist which lets the players master the skills of using explosives. Players may use any of the explosives, including mines and grenades, to deal more damage to their opponents as part of the mastery.

This agent’s specialization ability uses a grenade launcher that can fire away quickly and rapidly. Their combat skills include making use of Explorer Seeker mines and artillery Turrate to bring down enemies surrounding the players.



These agents are a frontline specialization which means that they give you increased health and the ability to Breach. Their signature ability lets players use an expanded Phalanx shield which could offer full protection to the players.

The Phalanx Shield is also part of the Bulwark’s combat skills, along with Shockwave Mk3. This weapon tends to create shock waves after being planted on the ground to nullify multiple Enemies in the nearby areas.

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This agent specialization is ideal for the Division Resurgence players who want to pursue a tactical approach to their battle. This agent has a tactical link that creates an augmented target in the system. Using this targeting system you can hunt down your enemies and plan your strategies accordingly if they enter your base to attack you.

Combat skills also include scanning pulse which can detect Enemies nearby. It also has a portable cover that can provide you with a safe shelter when you are not able to find any other cover or your cover blows off. It is indeed a great ability as it has to target the Enemies and plan your attack and defenses accordingly.

Field Medic

Field Medic

This specialization offers support classes in the Division Resurgence beta test. It can heal players and their teammates together as its ultimate oxidizing swarm stores micro-drones that can be used to heal players.

The Ultimate Oxidizing Swarm is an upgraded version of the oxidizing Hive which is one of the two combat skills. The field Medic agent helps you employ a chemical trap which is a throwable device. It contains corrosive substances which could prove to be poisonous to the ones who come in contact with it.


These are all the specializations that the different agents have to offer in The Division Resurgence Regional Beta test. All these agents in the game will offer an interesting turn to the players’ gameplay as it could be a hidden weapon that could prove useful at your weak times. If you find yourself in a weak spot during your combat in the Division Resurgence you can employ any of these agents as your Trump card to turn the tables in the battle. Given that the MMO system has a strong influence in The Division Resurgence players will have to focus on ensuring that there is an equal spread of these agents’ specializations according to their gameplay

That sums up everything on the Agents of The Division resurgence regional beta version. It’s time to grab your vests and test these agents in The Division Resurgence Regional Beta Test before the beta test comes to an end. So make sure you try out these agents and know the uniqueness that they have to offer in Tom Clancy’s world.

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