
All Minecraft Potions Recipes and Ingredients 2022

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Here are all the Minecraft Potions recipes and ingredients. Also, if you do not know about the potions, read until the end.

A potion is a bottle full of liquid with a magical effect that lasts for a limited period of time, and many different potions exist in Minecraft. Each of these potions has its own effects, which can be positive or negative. Most of them are brewable, and most of them will only have a temporary effect when consumed. 

Water bottles are the base item that’s used to make potions. Glass bottles can be collected from water, caught with fishing rods, or exchanged through piglin bartering. To know about all Minecraft potions recipes and Ingredients, read our guide below.

Dragon’s Breath potion

How to make potions in Minecraft?

The top slot in the potion-making interface must contain an ingredient so that it can be distilled into bottles and consumed by the player to achieve a specific effect. The flasks need to be placed in the bottom three slots for the ingredient to be distilled into bottles.

The first step in making any potions is to fill a glass bottle with water and add a substance called a nether wart, which is obtained from the Nether. You will learn to make potions and alchemical recipes as you progress through Minecraft. Now, let’s take a look at all Minecraft potions recipes and ingredients.

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All Minecraft potions recipes and Ingredients

  • Potion of Weakness: Fermented Spider Eye
  • Potion of Weakness +: Fermented Spider Eye ↔ Redstone
  • Potion of Strength: Nether Wart → Blaze Powder
  • Potion of Strength +: Nether Wart → Blaze Powder → Redstone
  • Potion of Strength II: Nether Wart → Blaze Powder → Glowstone Dust
  • Potion of Regeneration: Nether Wart → Ghast Tear
  • Potion of Regeneration +: Nether Wart → Ghast Tear → Redstone
  • Potion of Regeneration II: Nether Wart → Ghast Tear → Glowstone Dust
  • Potion of Swiftness: Nether Wart → Sugar
  • Potion of Swiftness +: Nether Wart → Sugar → Redstone
  • Potion of Swiftness II: Nether Wart → Sugar → Glowstone Dust
  • Potion of Slowness: Nether Wart → Sugar → Fermented Spider Eye // Nether Wart → Magma Cream → Fermented Spider Eye // Nether Wart →Rabbit’s Foot → Fermented Spider Eye
  • Potion of Slowness +: Nether Wart → Sugar → Fermented Spider Eye ↔ Redstone // Nether Wart → Magma Cream → Fermented Spider Eye ↔ Redstone // Nether Wart →Rabbit’s Foot → Fermented Spider Eye ↔ Redstone
  • Potion of Healing: Nether Wart → Glistering Melon Slice
  • Potion of Healing II: Nether Wart → Glistering Melon Slice → Glowstone Dust
  • Potion of Harming: Nether Wart → Glistering Melon Slice → Fermented Spider Eye // Nether Wart → Spider Eye → Fermented Spider Eye
  • Potion of Harming II: Nether Wart → Glistering Melon Slice → Fermented Spider Eye ↔ Glowstone Dust // Nether Wart → Spider Eye → Fermented Spider Eye ↔ Glowstone Dust
  • Potion of Poison: Nether Wart → Spider Eye
  • Potion of Poison +: Nether Wart → Spider Eye → Redstone
  • Potion of Poison II: Nether Wart → Spider Eye → Glowstone Dust
  • Potion of Fire Resistance: Nether Wart → Magma Cream
  • Potion of Fire Resistance +: Nether Wart → Magma Cream → Redstone
  • Potion of Night Vision: Nether Wart → Golden Carrot
  • Potion of Night Vision +: Nether Wart → Golden Carrot → Redstone
  • Potion of Invisibility: Nether Wart → Golden Carrot → Fermented Spider Eye
  • Potion of Invisibility +: Nether Wart → Golden Carrot → Fermented Spider Eye ↔ Redstone
  • Potion of Water Breathing: Nether Wart → Pufferfish
  • Potion of Water Breathing +: Nether Wart → Pufferfish → Redstone
  • Potion of Leaping: Nether Wart →Rabbit’s Foot
  • Potion of Leaping II: Nether Wart →Rabbit’s Foot → Glowstone Dust
  • Potion of Leaping +: Nether Wart →Rabbit’s Foot → Redstone
Potion of Decay

Minecraft Potions and their effects

Potion NameEffect
Awkward PotionNo effect
Mundane PotionNo effect
Thick PotionNo effect
Potion of HealingInstantly heals the user
Potion of RegenerationRegenerates health of the user over time
Potion of Slow FallingDecreases the speed by which the mob is falling
Potion of Fire ResistanceCancels out all damage from fire and lava
Potion of SwiftnessIncreases movement speed
Potion of StrengthMakes the damage dealt by direct combat higher
Potion of LeapingRaises the jump height and decreases the fall damage
Potion of LuckImproves quality and chances of getting rare loot
Potion of Water BreathingAllows you to breathe underwater
Potion of Night VisionAllows players to see clearly in dark areas
Potion of InvisibilityTurns the user invisible
Potion of WeaknessDecreases the damage dealt by direct combat
Potion of PoisonReduces health to up to 1 heart but doesn’t kill
Potion of SlownessDecreases movement speed
Potion of HarmingCauses instant damage and can even kill the target
Potion of DecayImposes Wither effect on the target
Splash PotionsThrowable potions that leave an instant impact
Lingering PotionsThrowable potions that form a cloud whose particles can activate potion effects
Extended PotionsRegular potions whose effects last for a longer time
Leveled-up PotionsPotions whose effects are more powerful than usual
Uncraftable PotionsNo effect
Custom PotionsCan have any in-game effect

How to Level Up Potions

Adding glowstone dust to your potions will increase the potions’ strength, so they will be more powerful. This is one of the best ways to improve your potions. In order to prevent the game from becoming overpowered, the duration of time-bound potions is also reduced. 

Things to keep in mind

  • There are three types of potions available in Minecraft – regular potions that players can consume, splash potions that can be thrown, and lingering potions that leave a cloud of effects when thrown. A splash potion of harming is the most powerful potion in Minecraft. It depletes the health of a target instantly and kills another mob.
  • The Uncraftable Potion, which is exclusive to the Java edition, is a base potion with no effects on the user. Without using any cheats, you cannot acquire it in the survival game mode.
  • In Minecraft, you can remove any potion’s effects by drinking a bucket of milk. It can be obtained by using an empty bucket on a cow or a goat.
  • Due to Minecraft’s in-game effects, there are more potions than there are potions. Therefore, you can create custom potions using Minecraft commands for all the in-game effects.
  • The Wither won’t be affected by the invisibility potion. It can still easily detect you. Unless you take any aggressive steps, the Ender dragon will not be able to detect you if you are invisible.

So this was everything about the Minecraft Potions. Understand the potions and decide the best one according to you.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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