All Sacred Tears Locations in Elden Ring

Discovering the locations of the Sacred Tears in Elden Ring is crucial for upgrading your Flask of Crimson and Cerulean tears, and this comprehensive guide provides all the information you need to find these legendary tears.

Sacred Tears locations in Elden Ring
Sacred Tears Locations in Elden Ring

Sacred tears upgrade your Flask of Crimson and Cerulean tears by increasing your HP that is stored with each use. However, their quantity is less compared to the Golden Tears but you will find them in more common places than others. Sacred Tears are almost always in churches or in every Church that houses one.

Almost all of the Sacred Tears are located on the weeping Peninsula at the southeast on the edge of the map of the area. The bridge to the Peninsula is guarded so it’s recommended that you head to the place only when you have a good collection of weapons or some decent armor. One of these Sacred Tears is located in the Docile East Limgrave. Now, let’s head on our journey to find all the Sacred Tears in Elden’s ring.

All Sacred Tears locations in Elden Ring

Here are all the locations in Elden Ring where you can find the Sacred Tears.

Third Church of Marika

Third church of maarika sacred tear
Third Church of Maarika

Travel East from the starting area in West Limgrave. Here you can discover the lands of Mistwood known as East Limgrave. In the northeast of the waypoint ruins is the third Church Marila located. Here you will find the Flash of Wondrous Physick with sacred tears.

Church of Pilgrimage

Church of pilgrimage sacred tear
Church of Pilgrimage

Thankfully the Weeping Peninsula has most of the churches with a Sacred tear and the easiest way to get here is the church of Pilgrimage. You can take a right after crossing the bridge of sacrifice and you will find the church not far off.

Fourth Church of Marika

Head to the Southwest from the church of Pilgrimage past the walking Mausoleum where you will find the Fort Church of Marika on a hallmark stop at the Tombsward Ruins when you are on your way to getting the Winged Scythe.

Callum Baptismal Church

Callum Baptismal Church Scared Tear
Callum Baptismal Church Scared Tear

Head to the west of the site of grace on the road where there is a large hill. At the top of this Hill, the Ailing Village is located, and the Callu Baptismal Church Scared Tear.

Church of Irith

You can grab The Sacred Tear from this location after you run across the church of Irith. You can speak with the exiled acolyte for some background on Sellen the Sorceress.

Bellum Church

Bellum Church Sacred Tear
Bellum Church Sacred Tear

You will find this church in the North East Of The Academy of Raya Lucaria. To reach the highway find the Glinstone Academy key west of the academy. You can use the East gate to teleport across the bridge. You can enter the Ravine to the north to find a path that hides through the crumbling church. Here there is a golden seed if you continue on the North East along the riverbed as well.

Church of Inhibition

Church of Inhibition Sacred Tear

The Grand Lift of Dectus is located further north along the Bellum Highway, and to the west of the lift is a hill that leads up to a community that is going through anger. The community is complete with an all-seeing eye that will hit you with continuous fury as you sprint up the hill. Use preventative measures and speed past it to find the church after passing through the surrounding town and up the hill on the north side.

Caelid Sacred Tears

Caelid Sacred Tears
Caelid Sacred Tears

In this rotted location, similar to the other ones, you can find sacred tears at a church. However, the Smouldering Church does not have any Sacred Tears in Elden Ring

Church of the Plague Sacred Tear

Church of the Plague Sacred Tear
Church of the Plague Sacred Tear

It can be difficult to travel to the single church that holds a Sacred Tear in this area of Elden Ring, which is situated close to the boundary between Caelid and Dragonbarrow.

You can either ride along the narrow ravine northeast of Caelem Ruins to jump across the gap into Dragonbarrow and avoid the dragons as you ride east and drop down near the large skull to reach the church where several Kindred of Rot guard the entrance to the decaying church where the NPC Milicent can be found with the Scared Tear. The other way is to find the Bell towers to unlock the large gate to a path winding northeast to the church.

Altus Plateau Scared Tears

You will find two churches outside the capital city of Leyndall that both hold a Sacred tear in Elden Ring.

Second Church of Marika Sacred Tear

Second Church of Marika Sacred Tear
Second Church of Marika Sacred Tear

In this location, the churches are located near the center of the Altus plateau in the north of the soldier camp along the main road. You can find it on an isolated lower plateau not Far From The Mirage Tower you will find a sacred tear and you will also encounter The Last Stand of Bloody Finger hunter Yura and fight his enemy Elenora.

Stormcaller Church Sacred Tear

Stormcaller Church Sacred Tear
Stormcaller Church Sacred Tear

This is also present on the Altus plateau. You can circle around the larger higher plateau between the two entrances to the capital city. You will know that you are on the right part when you encounter lightning storms and large sword graveyards. The church is guarded by a few knights and two more soldiers wait to ambush you when you go inside the church.

Remember not to miss a chest in the church as well. It holds the Dragonbolt blessing spell as well which you can obtain while on your journey to obtain Sacred Tears in Elden Ring.

The mountain top of the Giants Sacred Tears

The mountain top of the Giants Sacred Tears
The mountain top of the Giants Sacred Tears

This is the final location where you will find the sacred Tears in this region of the Destiny 2. Enter the final region in the east of the Altus plateau and the royal capital, and you will find the sacred tears at the crumbling churches. It is lost in the snowy mountains in this region.

This is located in the North East Of The Mountain tops of the Giants and you will have to cross a large frozen lake. Here you might come across a Dragon who sits here. You have to get past the Dragon and a number of giant Crayfish. You can find the Lost Church at the far Eastern edge with the Sacred Tear inside it.

First Church of Marika Sacred Tear

First Church of Marika Sacred Tear
First Church of Marika Sacred Tear

You must cross a large frozen lake to get to the Mountaintops of the Giants, which are where the powerful dragon Borealis calls it home. The lost church with the Sacred Tear in Destiny 2 can be found at the extreme eastern end, past the dragon and several Giant Crayfish.

Church of Repose Sacred Tear

Church of Repose Sacred Tear
Church of Repose Sacred Tear

Make your way up the sloping mountain past the giants’ corpses and avoid the trolls fighting the birds and dogs after crossing the massive iron chain to the southeast section of the Mountaintops of the Giants. The Church of Repose will be tucked off to the right.

Before you can enter the isolated church to find the final Sacred Tear, you’ll have to battle off an intruder named Okina who is carrying the Rivers of Blood katana.

Those are all the 13 locations where you can find the Sacred Tears in Destiny 2 along with mysterious chests that you may find along the way. That sums up your journey of hunting Sacred tears in Elden Ring.

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