
Top Banned Heroes On The International Dota 2 Championship: Why Players Are So Afraid Of Them

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The International is the biggest tournament in the world, with millions of viewers watching. But some heroes are so strong, so un-beatable, that they get banned by players very early on in the game. 

Heroes like lo and Mirana are so strong that teams feel they can’t afford to risk playing them against other teams who might have studied them and know how to counter them. 

The International is a Dota 2 tournament with a large prize pool that professional players from all over the world compete in. All Dota players are waiting with bated breath for the start of this tournament. Unfortunately, broadcasts with your favorite commentators can be closed by geo-location. This is becoming a big problem for fans. If you find yourself in such a situation, try to a VPN. VPN works on any device, including MacBook and even TV. This will allow you to seamlessly watch any broadcasts.

Many teams and individuals will pick heroes they want to use, but there are some heroes who the other team will ban. Many players fear these heroes because of their abilities and strength.

The International Dota 2 lovers often ask us questions like:

  • What is the most annoying hero in Dota 2? (in the international)
    Who is the strongest character in Dota 2? (who banned in the International)
  • Who are the most banned heroes dota 2?
  • What are Dota 2 Heroes stats?

So, to get answers to these questions, keep reading this article.

Top 2 Most Banned Heroes:

In Dota 2, heroes can either be banned or picked during the drafting phase. There are over 100 heroes to ban and pick from, but some get banned more than others. The top 2 of the banned heroes are the following.


Since the release of Dota 2 in July 2013, Io has been banned in more than 55% of matches throughout all Valve-sponsored tournaments. This makes him the most banned hero in the game. 

Io is a ranged, hybrid intelligence hero who is able to apply slow on enemies and heal allies with his healing tether ability. A major reason for Io’s high ban rate is that he can be played in a variety of different ways- from support to an offlaner.

Io is a chaos hero who is often banned in professional games due to her ability to support and attack from a safe distance. The skilled Io player can drag enemies into dangerous situations, giving the team the speed to execute kills quickly. Additionally, Io’s ultimate skill, Tether, can be used for map control without putting themselves at risk.

It is said that lo, dota hero winrates percent was about 63% in T19. He is picked 340 times which is 11.82%. 

As Io is the most banned hero let’s discuss these reasons in more detail.

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Io is a versatile hero in Dota 2 and has many strengths and weaknesses. The most notable strength for Io is the ability to use the Relocate ultimate, which allows Io to teleport themselves and an allied hero to any location on the map. 

This ability can be used defensively or offensively; Io can save their teammate from a gank by teleporting them away, or Io can trap enemies by placing themselves in a position where they can attack an enemy when they return.

Steroid Spells:

It is no surprise that Io, one of the best steroid spells in DOTA 2, is also one of the topmost banned heroes. With a simple press of his skill, ‘Tether,’ Io can easily pull an enemy over to him and then use his ‘Spirit Bear’ skill to deal heavy damage. Not only that, but he can also heal allies with his ‘Heal’ skill and give them a boost with his ‘Etheral Jaunt.’


Io is a ranged intelligence hero capable of dishing out some serious damage while also providing allies with some utility thanks to its Tether ability. Io is so versatile because it can also be played as a carry thanks to abilities such as Overcharge and Spirits. In addition, Io has a global ultimate, which makes it an excellent pick for competitive play.


Mirana is one of the most played heroes in Dota 2, but she’s also one of the most banned. Mirana has two skills that are incredibly powerful in the early game, with her Sacred Arrow being able to kill any high-value target on either team with a single hit. 

Her ultimate Moonlight Shadow provides an AOE invisibility for allies, which is very important for split pushing and securing allies.

One of the most challenging tasks an enemy player faces when going against a Mirana player is uncertainty. The hero is strongest when working with allies, and she is a natural team player – it can be tough for the enemy to determine which ally Mirana will target. The banned rate of Mirana is about 34%, while the pick rate is about 19%. Some of more reasons to ban Mirana by players are the following:

Magic Nuker:

Mirana is a versatile ranged intelligence hero from the Dota 2 universe. Her abilities include having an AOE shield, an AOE stun that can be coupled with a long-range nuke, and a powerful ultimate that deals damage to enemies over time as it travels. This makes her very strong in team fights where she can try to find a way to disengage if she has low health.

Roaming Support:

Mirana is a ranged agility hero, and pros claim that she is an excellent roamer and ganker due to her high movement speed and the ability to jump over obstacles. 

The most common reason people ban Mirana is because of her global ultimate. With this ability, she can turn the tide of battle by quickly bringing an ally or herself to any location on the map with no cooldown.


Mirana is an offensive magic hero that offers a lot of versatility to the team. Mirana’s abilities allow her to deal damage in a variety of ways, making her one of the most powerful heroes in Dota 2. With a bow and arrow, she can snipe enemies from a distance while they are still out of range. With good damage at all points in the game and excellent team fight utility, she can be very powerful. 

So, these are the two most banned Dota 2 heroes among many. The International is fascinating esports, and people should watch worldwide using a VPN. It will unblock streaming services and provide you with unlimited entertainment.

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