Best Feats in Baldur’s Gate 3!

Feats like Performer and Mobile power up your characters in Baldur’s Gate 3. Also, find the other best feats for all classes here.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, you can unlock bonus stats for your characters. Skills, Features, Feats and Spells are primary perks and talents that can be used for every class and race. Skills and Features are automatically unlocked with your classes. Spells can be obtained in different schools. Feats are unique talents that can be unlocked once your characters and classes reach different levels. 

Baldur’s Gate III Feats are exceptional talents that enhance your traits and provide bonus effects to all classes. Whenever you reach new levels, a different feat gets unlocked for your classes. There are all bonus effects that will boost your skills and performance. 

Feats are available in every act in Baldur’s Gate III and you just have to play all quests and boss fights to increase your levels. Feats grant both active and passive skills for your characters. Also, the stats are increased based on your ability scores. You will get both offensive and defensive stats based on feats that you unlock. Here are the best feats to use in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Best Feats to Use in Baldur’s Gate 3!

Feats are automatically unlocked once you hit level 4 with a class. There will be two ways to improve your stats in Baldur’s Gate 3. You can either choose a feat or increase your trait by +1 or +2 using an ability improvement. 

Ability Improvements are just used to increase your traits like Knowledge or Constitution by +1. But Feats are different and provide multiple bonus effects for all units. It can reduce your difficulty while exploring some challenging stories or puzzle quests in Baldur’s Gate 3. So, find out the best feats of Baldur’s Gate 3 here.

Baldur's Gate 3 feats
Elemental Adept Feat
  • Crossbow Expert – Use this to inflict Gaping Wounds on targets twice by using Piercing Shot action. Use a Crossbow and inflict attacks within melee range, this makes sure your attack rolls don’t get a disadvantage. Crossbow Expert comes with two major class features like Pointblank and Wounding.
  • Athlete – Athlete will boost Strength and Dexterity by 1 and it can be increased up to a maximum of 20. Also, if you are inflicted with prone effects, your jumping distance will be increased by 50%. The Standing Up feature will be granted as well. Also, less movement (1.5m) is consumed once you stand up. 
  • Actor  – This feat will increase your Charisma by 1. As you level up in the game, it goes up to 20. You will gain Deception proficiency and Performance proficiency. Also, the Proficiency bonus will double for both performance and deception checks. This feat works well with fighters, wizards, and clerics.
  • Charger – Charger boosts your mobility. Your movement speed gets increased rapidly and you will be able to move faster and deal damage easily. Weapon Attack and Shove features will be added as well. Overall, Charger is an excellent feat for classes that have poor movement speed. It works good with fighters and druids.
  • Elemental Adept – Your spells ignore resistance to elemental damage types like Acid, Cold, Thunder, Lightning and Fire. You can use it for one damage type of your choice. Once you cast a spell, you can’t roll a 1 on that type of spells
  • Alert  – Alert provides a +5 bonus to the Initiative feature for a short time. No enemies will be able to inflict the Surprised status effect on your characters and this will be a huge advantage in battles.
  • Defensive Duelist – Defensive Duelist is both a feat and feature. This can be used with a Finesse weapon and you can add any reaction with proficiency bonus and also add it to AC. This will increase your defense for a while. The Defensive Duelist feat is best used for attacking classes like fighters and rogues.
  • Dungeon Delver – Dungeon Delver grants an advantage on perception checks that are activated to find hidden objects. Damage from Traps also gets nullified. Also, advantage of Saving throws that are made to overcome traps. Perception and Resist Traps features will be activated with this feat.
  • Dual Wielder – Class passive features like Two-Weapon Fighting can be used to get a +1 to AC. But this is activated only when you use a heavy melee weapon in both hands. Also, the Two-Weapon Fighting can be both heavy and light. The class features for this feat are Dual Wielder and Bonus Armor Class
  • Durable – Durable feat is focused on increasing constitution levels. It starts from +1 and will be increased to 20 as well. Also, whenever you take a short rest, you will retrieve full hit points for a combat.
  • Heavy Armor Master – All incoming damage from non-magical attacks will be decreased by 3 when you wear heavy armor. The score will also increase by one and it can be increased to a maximum of 20.
  • Heavily Armored – This will increase your proficiency with any heavy armor. Your strength will also increase by 1 and it will be increased to 20 at higher levels. This feat goes well with Ranger and Cleric class heroes.
  • Lucky – You will get 3 luck points. This can be used to gain an advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. Also, this can reroll all their attack rolls. You can also reset this after a long rest.
  • Great Weapon Master – Use a melee weapon and launch critical attacks or kill any enemy to receive a bonus weapon attack. Use a heavy melee weapon and deal extra damage. But this will cost a -5 attack roll penalty. The class features for this feat are bonus attack and damage bonus.
  • Lightly Armor – You will get Armor Proficiency with a light armor set. Your strength and dexterity will be increased by one. Light Armor Proficiency will be your class feature for this feat and this works for 2 turns at maximum.
  • Mage Slayer  – Magic Slayer is an excellent feat. Use this whenever a creature unleashes a spell within 5m and you can return a melee weapon attack as a reaction and destroy the target. Again, if any creature uses a spell in melee radius, you will gain an advantage on Saving Throw. You will also be able to counterattack using any reaction. Mage Slayer also inflicts a disadvantage on concentration saving throws to enemies in range
  • Medium Armor Master – This is both a feat and a feature. Medium Armor Master can be used to avoid disadvantage on stealth checks. The AC bonus from the Dexterity Modifier will be +3. This feat works well with Baldur’s Gate III classes and characters that have high dexterity
  • Mobile – Mobile increases your movement speed by 4m. You can maneuver faster in difficult terrains. Make a melee attack and move a step and this will not provoke opportunity attacks.
  • Martial Adept – Martial Adept unlocks two maneuvers from the Subclass, Battle Master. This will provide a Superiority die and the expended Superiority dice will be retrieved after a rest.
  • Moderately Armored – This feat grants Armor Proficiency with medium Armor and shields. Strength and Dexterity will be increased as well. You will also gain class features like Shield and Medium Armor proficiency
  • Polearm Master – You can use weapons like Glaive, Halberd, Spear, Dagger or Quarterstaff to gain a bonus action. The feat also grants opportunity attacks at close range. Polearm Master and Sentinel can be paired together to get the best results.
  • Shield Master – Wear a shield and gain a +2 bonus to dexterity saving throws. Also, while using a spell, use this as a reaction and avoid incoming damage. Block and Throw Bonus features are unlocked with this feat.
  • Tavern Brawler – Tavern Brawler increases +1 ability score for strength or constitution. You can also use an improvised weapon or throwable items to increase your strength modifier with damage and attack rolls. This works with an unarmed attack as well.
  • Performer – This feat unlocks the Musical Instrument Proficiency feature and you will entertain the crowd like never before. Also, your charisma traits increase gradually for every class. 
  • Sentinel – This feat can be used against enemies in melee range that attack your ally. You can use your reaction and return attacks against targets that don’t have the Sentinel feat. You will also gain an advantage on Opportunity attacks. Whenever a creature is hit with opportunity attacks, it will lose mobility. The class features for Sentinel feat are Opportunity Advantage, Snare, and Vengeance.
  •  Sharpshooter– Ranged weapons will not get a penalty from high-ground rules once activated. Ranged weapons with proficiency can deal extra damage and there will also be a -5 attack roll.
  • Savage Attacker – Use a melee weapon and attack an enemy. This will roll your damage dice twice and you can use the highest result. This feat works very well for paladins and you can form the strongest paladin build as well.
  • Weapon Master  – Your units gain proficiency from any 4 weapons of your choice. Dexterity and Strength are increased as well.
  • War Caster – advantage on Saving throws will be added to maintain concentration on your spells. Also, a shocking grasp spell can be used with any reaction to targets that move out from the melee range. Concentration and Opportunity Spell are class features for this feat. This feat works tremendously with Warlock class units of Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Skilled – Skilled provides a proficiency bonus from 3 skills.
  • Spell Sniper  – learn any Cantrip spells and use the spell to reduce the number used to roll critical hits by 1. It can stack once 
  • Tough – Once you increase your in-game levels, your Hit Points will also increase by +2 for every level.
  • Resilient –  Increase any ability of your choice by +1. Also, the proficiency for the same will be increased with that Ability’ saving throws
  • Ritual Caster –  This feat unlocks free spells. You can learn two ritual spells.

These are the top feats in Baldur’s Gate 3. Reach level 4 with a class to get access to these remarkable feats and unleash their powers in combat. Also, feats’ stats will go to the next level once you hit a landmark level. Increase your levels and gain more stats from these feats.

The skills will be boosted at each level. You can also combine two to three feats and form the best builds for classes like Wizard, Cleric, or even for companions like Shadowheart. 

Be it spells, legendary items, or weapons, everything is required to progress in Baldur’s Gate 3. Completing three acts needs these types of feats along with the best spells. Also, farming more gold is essential to upgrade your equipment in the game.

Frequently Asked Question

Are Feats Required in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Yes, Feats are a bonus to your classes. It will enhance your Defense, Damage, and Attacks. Feats are available from level 4 in Baldur’s Gate 3. Reach level 4 with any class to unlock all feats. The stats keep increasing at every new level.

Is Baldur’s Gate 3 Available for Nintendo Switch?

No, Baldur’s Gate 3 is yet to become available for Nintendo Switch platforms. The game was recently launched for PlayStation 5. You can play on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC right now. BG 3 for Nintendo Switch might be available in the near future.

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