
Best Killers in Dead By Daylight Mobile

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In this guide, we will tell you about all the best Dead By Daylight Mobile Killers. With this list, you can pick up the best killers from the game. 

Dead By Daylight Mobile is a popular mobile adaptation of the hit survival-horror game. In this game, players take on the role of either a Survivor or a Killer, with the goal being to either escape from or sacrifice the other team. While Survivors must outwit the Killer to repair generators and escape, Killers must track down and eliminate Survivors. In this article, we will be taking a look at the best Dead By Daylight Mobile Killers. This will be based on their strengths and weaknesses. 


While not currently considered meta, Deathslinger’s perks are still effective in lobbies for newer players. His ability is relatively easy to learn and comprehend, but it can prove challenging to execute correctly. As his weapon has only one shot before requiring a reload, missing a shot can be a costly mistake for players.

A successful hit with Deathslinger’s harpoon gun allows him to reel in survivors, leaving them injured and suffering from Deep Wounds. If left untreated, Deep Wounds can ultimately result in the downing of an injured player.

However, it’s worth noting that using Deathslinger’s ability may pose a challenge for controller users. Unlike most first-person shooter games on console, Dead By Daylight does not offer in-depth sensitivity and dead zone options for controller users. As a third-person horror game, controller users may find it frustrating to control Deathslinger’s movements, particularly when using his ability.

The Nightmare

Freddy Krueger, also known as “The Nightmare”, has been ranked as one of the top-tier best Dead By Daylight Mobile Killers. He is a highly regarded Killer. However, mastering his gameplay can be a challenging feat, making him a less optimal choice for new players.

Freddy’s abilities are centered around his dream world and teleporting orbs. Survivors who are caught in his dream state won’t wake up until they take damage, receive help from their teammates, or reach an alarm clock located across the map. Additionally, Freddy’s unique perks are designed to create a more challenging endgame, with an increased focus on the exit gates.


The Oni is a Killer with the potential to become one of the best Dead By Daylight Mobile Killers. His strength grows as he deals damage and consumes blood from his victims, powering up his ultimate ability, Yamaoka’s Wrath. This ability allows him to easily eliminate all Survivors with a single strike for a brief period.

One unique aspect of Oni’s gameplay is the blood orbs left by his victims, which are highly visible and provide a direct trail leading to injured Survivors. However, Oni’s large movement radius can make it easier for Survivors to evade him by quickly turning corners.

The Cannibal – Leatherface

Leatherface possesses a powerful chainsaw that he can use to perform a sweeping dash attack. At the start of each match, he begins with three charges, which he can use to initiate a 2-second chainsaw sprint. During this sprint, Leatherface gains a significant speed boost and waves his chainsaw back and forth, instantly downing any survivors hit by the attack.

However, Leatherface also has a “tantrum” meter that builds up while he is using his ability. When the meter is full, he stops moving and wildly swings his chainsaw, downing any survivors within reach. This can make balancing his power with his tantrums challenging, especially when facing experienced survivors who know how to evade and loop killers effectively.


The Executioner is a tribute to the iconic Pyramid Head character from Silent Hill 2. While not particularly agile, he possesses a critical tool in his kit called Rites of Judgment. This technique creates trails on the ground that can place Survivors in the Tormented state if they run into them. Once Tormented, the Survivor’s location is exposed. This allows the Executioner to close in for the kill. While his lunge attack is potent, it requires precision to execute correctly.



When The Trickster activates his Showstopper ability, he throws multiple small blades at Survivors. This gradually increases their laceration meter. Once the meter is full (after six blade hits), the Survivor takes damage. This can either down or injure them based on their initial health condition. The Trickster can throw one blade at a time or continuously throw them by holding down the power button, although this slows him down.

Using Showstopper builds up the Trickster’s Main Event ability. When activated, Main Event allows Trickster to rapidly throw an unlimited number of blades, downing nearby Survivors in a small area. However, Trickster’s blades are not unlimited, and he must search lockers around the map to restock.

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Similar to Deathslinger and Huntress, Trickster relies on accurate aim. The basic sensitivity options may make it challenging for players using a controller to master him. While it is not impossible, his entire power is dependent on aim, and aiming without strong auto-aim or sensitivity options can be difficult on a controller.


Hillbilly has a unique chainsaw rush ability that differs from Leatherface’s version. Instead of a straight dash while wielding his chainsaw, Hillbilly rushes forward at twice his regular speed in an unpredictable line that can be difficult to control. This makes him one of the best Dead By Daylight Mobile Killers.

Colliding with survivors during his chainsaw sprint will immediately knock them down. Additionally, he can quickly break pallets and breakable doors, potentially faster than using regular attacks. Activating his power is straightforward: hold down the power button and launch forward. However, it’s important to note that Hillbilly is vulnerable to being juked or baited into running into obstacles, making him challenging to use against experienced survivor groups.

While Hillbilly’s power is easy to understand, executing it well requires mastering turning and maneuvering. This is even for players using a mouse and keyboard. Properly controlling the Chainsaw Rush can be challenging, especially for those using a controller. This can make him a less approachable choice for new killers, but there are plenty of other options that are less punishing for players with limited sensitivity options.


The Spirit is one of the best Dead By Daylight Mobile Killers thanks to her Yamaoka’s Haunting ability. It lets her phase-walk. During this time, she leaves a ghostly copy of herself behind and enters the Ethereal Plane, allowing her to traverse the map undetected. In this state, she can’t see the Survivors. She can track them by following the scratch marks they leave behind and the sounds they make.

Using this ability, the Spirit can ambush Survivors by appearing out of nowhere and surprising even the most experienced players. With her ability to quickly close the gap between herself and her prey, Survivors will have a hard time escaping her grasp.


Blight is a Killer that requires a high level of skill to use effectively. His Blighted Corruption power allows him to rush ahead toward Survivors. However, he is unable to attack during this time. However, by using the lethal rush ability to vault off obstacles, Blight can enter a mode where he can attack his prey.

In this state, he has a total of five vaults before becoming fatigued and needing to go on cooldown. Using this ability effectively requires both accuracy and practice. With the potential to quickly scout maps and close in on Survivors, a skilled Blight player can dominate the game in a short amount of time. However, it should be noted that this Killer is not recommended for beginners and should only be used by experienced players.


The Nurse is a game-changer with her unique teleportation ability. It makes it near impossible for Survivors to use their usual looping tactics to escape her clutches. The very essence of Dead by Daylight gameplay, which involves baiting and distracting a Killer to buy time for generators to be repaired, is nullified when facing the Nurse due to her exceptional mobility. 

Furthermore, she has the uncanny ability to detect when a Survivor is healing. This forces them to either take the risk of being heard in their injured state or to hide and wait for an opportunity to mend. Survivors who underestimate the Nurse’s power are in for a rough time. She can quickly close in on them, making her one of the best Dead By Daylight Mobile Killers.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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