
Best Phoenix Decks in Clash Royale

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Unleash the power of the mythical Phoenix with these carefully crafted decks that dominate the arena in Clash Royale.

Clash Royale is an incredible game from the team of Supercell. In Clash Royale, there are a couple of flying decks. These units are specialized in both melee and range damage. They can also clear ground enemies, buildings, and flying units as well. Phoenix is a primary flying unit in the game. This legendary card can be unlocked from Spooky Town (Arena 12).

Related – Best Decks for Mega Monk Event in Clash Royale

Pheonix is a powerful card and has great hitpoints and damage stats. Pheonix has a special skill that no other units have. Once a phoenix gets defeated, it drops an egg and summons a new phoenix during battles. This can happen only once per game. Phoenix goes well with all kinds of troops. You can pair archers, arrows, barbarians, goblins, and more cards to get the desired results.

Related – Best Legendary Cards in Clash Royale

There are some battles where you have to play against top-tier phoenix decks. To defeat a Phoenix, you have to deploy a fiery Phoenix deck with some powerful troops. Here we share some of the best Phoenix Decks to use in battles and exclusive events of Clash Royale.

Clash Royale Phoenix Decks – Use these Decks!

Here are some impeccable Clash Royale Phoenix Decks with raging cards that will help you win battles.

Phoenix Mortar Deck

Mortar deck

This deck has a bunch of skeletons. The skeleton king can be your ideal troop for area damage. Skeleton Army summons 15 melee skeletons and they are all good at dealing damage. Mortar, the massive long-range unit can deal heavy area damage and clear out multiple troops in a shot. Fireball spell can be used to trap ranged enemies. Finally, the fastest unit Dart Goblin is good in clearing long-range enemies and they can also attack quickly. This is an attacking deck and phoenix can be your primary attacking unit as well. 

  • Skeleton King
  • Skeleton Army
  • Phoenix
  • Mortar
  • Miner
  • Dart Goblin
  • Fireball
  • Goblin Gang

Phoenix Bridge Deck

Deck 2

In this deck, you can deploy Bandit first. She can attack all nearby ground units and deal double damage as well. Pekka can be your best melee troop. Royal Ghost, he can go invisible and will be visible once he starts to attack. Deploy poison spell after these troops get launched. Poison can damage enemies slowly and reduce their mobility. Battle Ram summons a couple of barbarians and attack using their swords. Zap can be used for area damage. This is another excellent attacking deck that has some aggressive troops.

  • Bandit
  • Pekka
  • Royal Ghost
  • Phoenix
  • Poison
  • Battle Ram
  • Zap
  • Electro Wizard

Giant Miner Phoenix Deck

giant Miner deck

This deck has both attacking and defensive unitd. Arrows can be used as your primary attacking troops followed by Dark Prince. Both can deal significant damage and also has maximum hit points that ensure they will endure throughout the battle. Miner and Prince can be your single-target troops and can be placed on random spots on the arena. The other units can support well and this is another powerful Phoenix Deck to use.

Related Post
  • Arrows
  • Dark Prince
  • Giant
  • Miner
  • Phoenix
  • Prince
  • Zap
  • Electro Wizard

Splashyard Phoenix Monk Deck

Splashyard deck

You can launch Ice Wizard as your first unit. It can slow down enemy’s attacks and movement speed by applying ice effects. Next, you can unleash tornado spell and pull units closer to your zone. Then you can go with Tombstone as it summons a couple of Skeletons every 4 seconds and have high area damage stats as well. Finally, the monk can be used and you can unleash his 3-hit combo and deal colossal damage on targets. Poison will slow down enemy’s units and you can exploit the situation to increase your attacks.

  • Tombstone
  • Tornado
  • Poison
  • Phoenix
  • Ice Wizard
  • Monk
  • Graveyard
  • Barbarian Barrel

Miner Poison Monk Phoenix Deck

Poison deck

You can start with the Giant Snowball spell as its ability to push back targets and AoE damage effects will get you an early advantage as well. Cannons are your best defensive units and can clear out close-range enemies. Goblins summon 4 melee goblins and can quickly attack and deal damage as well. The other units can be your supporting troops. This deck has also had high success rates when compared to other Phoenix decks.

  • Phoenix
  • Monk
  • Poison
  • Archers
  • Cannon
  • Goblins
  • Miner
  • Giant Snowball

Phoenix Monk eGolem Mirror Deck

Mirror Golem Deck

 This is a fiery deck. Here, you can begin with Elixir Golem as they are the best to go with. Elixir Golem can deal damage to buildings and towers and they are further split into Elixir Golemites and Elixir Blobs after defeats. Rage spell is another excellent addition as both rage and phoenix are excellent combinations. Rage will amplify your attacking units and you can attack at a lightning speed for a short time. Mirror can be used to spawn a troop that you last played for an extra elixir.

 Electro Dragon, the fly unit can deal massive damage. Battle Healer is your trump card and has some healing effects that allow her to last long during battles. Overall, this is another godly deck that has all troops covered.

  • Electro Dragon
  • Battle Healer
  • Mirror
  • Elixir Golem
  • Monk
  • Tornado
  • Rage
  • Phoenix

All the best and strongest Phoenix Decks in Clash Royale are shared here. You can use these top-tier decks for events and regular battles in the game as well. We will come back with more interesting updates soon.

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