Best Team Builds for Kamisato Ayaka in Genshin Impact

Ayaka needs the best team to be at her best level, thus here is a list of all the best characters that you can put together for Ayaka in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact 2.0 brought one of the most robust and broken units Kamisato Ayaka. She is a 5-star cryo DPS that is very f2p friendly and can damage enemies even and C0. She has a Dendro reaction DMG  at a meta stage as of now, but Freeze teams with Ayaka are still considered to be one of the best team compositions in Genshin Impact.

Kamisato Ayaka in Genshin Impact

Best Team Builds for Kamisato Ayaka

Let’s have a look at all the best team comp that you can use for Kamisato Ayaka in Genshin Impact.

Ayaka+ Shenhe+ Kazuha+ Kokomi

Best Team Ayaka Ayaka+ Shenhe+ Kazuha+ Kokomi
Ayaka+ Shenhe+ Kazuha+ Kokomi

This team is the best for Ayaka in Genshin Impact. This comp has two Cyro units that will unlock the double Cyro Resonance and increase the CRIT rate of all the members by 15% against enemies affected by Cyro or frozen

Ayaka will be the central DPD unit along with Kokomi as the Hydro support and healer. Kazuha can shred the enemies, elemental resistance, and even group them up. As for Shenhe, she can buff Ayaka’s Cyro DMG

Ayaka+ Rosaria+ Kazuha+ Kokomi

Ayaka+ Rosaria+ Kazuha+ Kokomi
Ayaka+ Rosaria+ Kazuha+ Kokomi

This Ayaka team is similar to the previous one and the only difference is that Rosaria is the cryo support instead of Shenhe. In this to formal one is the most underrated unit in Genshin impact and can be used as an alternative for the latter.

Rozaria can increase Crit Rate from our patience and solve the energy requirements to ensure Ayaka can get energy back in time after she becomes weak. This team is similar to the previous one except Rosaria is an alternative for Shenhe in the game, all the rest aspect is the same.

Ayaka+ Diona+ Sucrose+ Xingqui

Best Team Ayaka Ayaka+ Diona+ Sucrose+ Xingqui
Ayaka+ Diona+ Sucrose+ Xingqui

This is the best f2b games for Ayaka and has 4-star characters. The party is comparatively let’s drawn as the previous one but it can be used to win most of the battles in Genshin impact.

Diona can be helpful to provide a decent shield against enemy attacks, she can also heal the party, and charge the battery to ensure everyone can use their elemental burst on time. Xingqui is direct Hydro support and Sucrose will work in grouping the enemies while shredding their elemental resistance and buff Ayaka with Thrilling Takes of Dragon slayers

Ayaka + Ayato + Ganyu + Kokomi

 Ayaka + Ayato + Ganyu + Kokomi
Ayaka + Ayato + Ganyu + Kokomi

The Kamisato twins are playing together on a double Hydro and double Cryo squad. Together, Ayato and Ganyu will function as sub-DPS troops to permanently freeze the foes and deal damage to them with their wide-range AoE Elemental Burst. The only support unit that can heal and give Ayaka, the main DPS, the Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers buff is Kokomi.

Ayaka + Ganyu + Shenhe + Kazuha

Best Team Ayaka   Ayaka + Ganyu + Shenhe + Kazuha
Ayaka + Ganyu + Shenhe + Kazuha

This team consists of one Anemo support and mono Cryo. They won’t be able to Freeze opponents and will effectively lose half of the power of Blizzard Strayer because there are no Hydro characters in the party. They will nevertheless harm their rivals in spite of this.

All the enemies in the area will be grouped by Kazuha, who will increase the team’s damage while lowering their Elemental Resistance. Shenhe will serve as the main Cryo supporter while

These are all the best builds for Ayaka in Genshin Impact that you can use for her to reach her full potential. We have created this list on the basis of our research and community feedback. You can explore for yourself, which characters go the best with Ayaka according to your gameplay.

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