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Find out which are the best guns in Deathloop in our Weapons Guide. Use the perfect weapons for your playthrough!

If you know where to look for or obtain the best Deathloop guns and Deathloop legendary weapons, you may completely change the game. While some items are just floor loot, there are a variety of items buried behind riddles, treasure hunts, and challenges, and if you’re having issues with a particular aspect of the game, perhaps a better gun can solve all your problems.

Best Deathloop Weapons


The Spiker is by far the least threatening gun in the game, yet it will be the most valuable secondary weapon. You shouldn’t use it in a head-to-head battle because it lacks firepower, but it is the most effective stealth weapon in the game. Its silent shot and instant headshot kills make it excellent for sneaking up on the enemy unobserved.

Unlike other stealth weapons, it also has a significant range, allowing you to remain hidden after the kill. Heavy damage is a must-have in any loadout, making the Spiker an ideal companion weapon for any situation.


It isn’t the most graceful weapon in the game, but it is unquestionably the most dependable. You’ll have a hard time finding a situation when the Machete isn’t the best option for cutting your way past the enemy’s traps. Due to its one-hit kill potential, a rising number of players are calling the melee weapon broken, ruling out any defensive buff.

The all-out blitz, backed up by the correct abilities (Havoc), is the secret to its power, allowing you to withstand the approach and get up close and personal. In a few powerful strikes, you can take your opponent from full health and defences to death.

Heritage Gun

Typically, a gun with a gimmick loses its utility and becomes a weaker weapon. The Heritage demonstrates that you can add features to a gun without damaging it by combining a common shotgun with a powerful rifle, thus giving you two guns for the price of one.

It’s a valuable perk to take up only one spot in your inventory for two tasks, freeing up space for other weaponry and increasing your toolbox. Its main strength isn’t massive damage, but if you play tactically, you can get the most out of this one-of-a-kind weapon.


The Fourpounder is a gun that must be handled with caution. It is not for the casual shooter. While the tremendous shot and damage potential may entice you, the slow rate of fire may reveal and expose a careless player. Before firing, you must ensure that it will hit and hit hard, providing you an edge while allowing you to reload.

Why not use two Fourpounders if you’re going to use one? Doubling the firepower while reducing the likelihood of being stuck reloading with no high-caliber bullets to shoot.


The Limp-10 is Deathloop’s answer to the Uzi, and its high rate of fire compensates for its inconsistent aim. The Limp-10’s shooting is at best unpredictable due to recoil and a lack of proper sights. The ideal targets are large groups and close-range attackers, which give you more chances to deal damage.

Dual wielding is where the gun really excels, allowing you to melt through groups and turn an incoming attack into swift kills. The Limp-10 isn’t the most accurate gun in the game, but it is one of the most enjoyable to play with, pouring bullets down with no regard for accuracy.

Strelak Verso

If versatility were a gun, the Strelak Verso handguns would be it. When combined with the Snare perk, enemies are slowed on impact. You can also combine the two pistols to make a three-burst fire Submachine gun, giving your combat powers a new depth.

The metamorphosis not only saves you room, but it also allows you to play on a dynamic battlefield. Once the opponent has been slowed, the two pistols may fire swiftly and chip away at their fortifications, resulting in a speedy victory. Longer ranges are easily handled by the SMG, which can take out enemies with its auto-aim feature even if the enemy is retreating.

Deathloop Gameplay
Deathloop Gameplay

Strelak 50-50

If versatility were a gun, the Strelak Verso handguns would be it. When combined with the Snare perk, enemies are slowed on impact. You can also combine the two pistols to make a three-burst fire Submachine gun, giving your combat powers a new depth.

The metamorphosis not only saves you room, but it also allows you to play on a dynamic battlefield. Once the opponent has been slowed, the two pistols may fire swiftly and chip away at their fortifications, resulting in a speedy victory. Longer ranges are easily handled by the SMG, which can take out enemies with its auto-aim feature even if the enemy is retreating.

Sepulchra Bretteira

The Bretteira is the king of of sniper rifles, an overpowering cannon that can take out anything you can fit in its scope. The weapon becomes significantly more effective when equipped with the Deep Lung perk, boosting aim and making the kill shot even easier. When it comes to sniper rifles, range is expected, but this one has so much that you’ll only get to unleash its full potential a few times.

While it may appear to be the ideal weapon, its amazing range might work against you in most situations, restricting you to faraway camps and staring through the scope the whole game.

While each weapon has its own distinct advantages, players should consider their choice based on their playstyle. You can select any one of these weapons and destroy your enemies easily.

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