
Britain’s Most Famous Gay Athletes

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Considering how many movie stars, music icons, sports athletes, authors, and social activists are coming out to embrace their sexuality, it is quite natural for young people to follow suit. It is not easy to deal with homophobia in many parts of the world, but things have always been different in the UK, which is considered a safe haven for the members of the LGBTQ community around the world. So many sporting events take place in this country, and because of people’s views about homosexuality, more and more gay athletes are creating a buzz on the professional level.

The entry of gay people in almost all walks of life is one big reason for an influx of new . Those athletes and sportspersons inspire young singles to come out of their shells and explore their sexuality. Because of how inspiring those athletes and gay icons are, you can find youngsters talking about them on dating sites and gay chat forums.

In fact, being informed about those popular gay celebrities is a way to kick-start a conversation in a chat room on a UK dating site. You share your knowledge and come across as an intelligent person to hang around, and this directly improves your chances of finding a partner online.

Here is a list of some popular gay athletes who are always the center of attraction on niche dating sites in the UK.

Mark Foster

Former Olympic swimmer Mark Foster came out as homosexual in 2017. He was under so much stress before coming out of the closet that he ended up in a therapist’s office. Though his friends and family members were always aware of his sexual orientation, he never talked about it openly as an athlete. He is now a true LGBTQ rights activist and supports the Terence Higgins Trust as well as Stonewall. While it took him a lot longer to embrace his sexuality and live his truth, the LGBTQ community and gay dating world always support him for making the move.

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Keegan Hirst

Hirst was the very first British rugby league player to talk about his sexual orientation. He finally came out as gay in 2015. He was the center of attraction when he took to the pitch as an out gay man. Fans and fellow players appreciated him for his gesture and for him later becoming a champion for LGBTQ equality in the world of sports. He also showed up on a dating show, “First Dates,” and do not be surprised if someone talks about him while you are searching for a gay partner online.

Mel Reid

Many British gay women have also graced the big stage and never felt shy while talking about their sexual preferences. Mel Reid, a six times Ladies European Tour champion, is one such name. For teenagers on dating sites, Reid is a role model, as she hid her sexuality for the longest time because she did not want to lose sponsorship. Now, she believes that you should never feel embarrassed to accept who you truly are, and the same should be done by singles still exploring their sexuality in chat rooms on gay dating sites.

Zack Leader

Zack Leader is also among Britain’s most popular gay athletes. The British gravity bike champion chose Instagram to come out as gay in 2018. He has always been aware of his sexual preferences but never found any courage to come out, thinking it would hinder him from getting sponsors. He decided to take the leap because he wanted to inspire others, and he does have a huge impact on teenagers looking for sports gay dating sites in the UK.


The list of popular gay athletes and sportsmen is quite extensive, but you should never stop learning about them because they give you the courage to come out and embrace who you are. Locking your true sexual identity in the closet would never take you anywhere, but discussing more these icons on gay dating sites can help you have a rather fulfilling love life.

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