Home » Others » Celebrities Who Are Famous for Their Love of Board Games

In the glitzy world of celebrities, where red carpets and exclusive parties often take centre stage, it might come as a surprise to learn that some famous personalities have a deep-rooted passion for board games. 

Celebrities are well known for their social life, they are usually seen all the famous red carpet parties and events or playing their at the most swankiest casinos in town,  but here are a few that have an affection for unique interests  – the classic world of board games. Let’s take a closer look at some of the celebrities who are famous for their enthusiasm for board games, proving that even in the world of Hollywood glamour, traditional forms of entertainment hold a special place.

1. Wil Wheaton

Renowned for his role as Wesley Crusher in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” Wil Wheaton has established himself as a board game aficionado in recent years. His passion for board games led to the creation of the hit web series “TableTop,” where he invited fellow celebrities to join him in playing a wide variety of board games. Wil Wheaton’s commitment to promoting the joy of board gaming has earned him a devoted following in the board game community.

2. Vin Diesel

Famed for his roles in the “Fast & Furious” franchise and the “Guardians of the Galaxy” series, Vin Diesel is an unexpected board game enthusiast. He often shares his love for Dungeons & Dragons, a classic tabletop role-playing game, and has been known to invite fellow actors to engage in epic adventures within the game’s fantasy worlds.

3. Seth Rogan

Seth Rogan, known for his comedic talent in movies like “Superbad” and “Pineapple Express,” is another celebrity with a penchant for board games. He has been spotted at gaming conventions and has even expressed his desire to design his own board game someday. Rogan’s laid-back personality and love for games have endeared him to fans both on and off the screen.

4. Neil Patrick Harris

The multi-talented Neil Patrick Harris, famous for his roles in “How I Met Your Mother” and “Doogie Howser, M.D.,” is a passionate magician and board game enthusiast. He often hosts game nights at his home, where friends and fellow celebrities gather to play a variety of board games. His enthusiasm for board games even led to him being involved in the creation of a board game-themed escape room experience.

5. Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard

This celebrity couple, known for their roles in movies and TV shows like “Frozen” and “Parenthood,” share a deep love for board games. Kristen Bell has revealed that they often play games together as a way to bond and have fun as a family. Their passion for board games extends beyond casual play, as they have even designed their own board game called “Hello, Goodbye.”

While many celebrities are seen at casinos playing slot games or partying at the hottest nightspots, it’s heartwarming to know that some of them have a genuine appreciation for the world of board games. These stars, including Wil Wheaton, Vin Diesel, Seth Rogan, Neil Patrick Harris, and Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, have embraced the joy of tabletop gaming and shared it with their fans.

Their passion for board games serves as a reminder that amidst the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, traditional forms of entertainment continue to hold a special place in the hearts of some of our favourite celebrities. So, the next time you gather around a board game with friends and family, remember that you’re not alone – even some of the world’s biggest stars love to roll the dice and strategise on game night.

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