
Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn – Complete Guide

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There are lots of things about the Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn. If you want to use it effectively then our complete guide will help you.

The Titan Super Ability Ward of Dawn is used by the Defender subclass in Destiny and by the Sentinel subclass in Destiny 2. With Ward of Dawn, players can form a dome-shaped barrier surrounding them, protecting themselves and their allies. Anyone within the dome is also temporarily increased in weapon damage and resistance to damage. 

Additionally, allies can pass through the Ward of Dawn to gain a temporary over shield. The Ward of Dawn lasts for a short time before dissipating. This is not everything, there is more about the Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn. Below you will find a complete guide with some tips and tricks about the Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn.


Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn in PvE

Ward of Dawn is not a particularly strong Super for PvE activities due to the decrease in the power of Weapons of Light in The Witch Queen expansion. While the shield it creates is beneficial in a few specific encounters, its damage buff can easily be replaced by the Radiant buff found in every Solar subclass. Keep in mind that, the maximum health of the Ward of Dawn barrier will be decreased from 13,500 to 8,000.

Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn in PvP

Ward of Dawn is powerful PvP, as its short cooldown enables a Titan to get it up before their opponents can activate their Super. This provides a strong damage buff for their team, as well as Orbs of Light to fuel their Supers. It can also be used to lock down an area of the map and provide a safe area to grab Heavy Ammo, or to protect against an enemy Super. In Trials, a Ward of Dawn can be the difference in a tiebreaker, allowing you to secure the win.

Using the Ward of Dawn Offensively

If you want to launch your Ward of Dawn as an offensive weapon, you can do so in the middle of an enemy group. By temporarily enclosing them within the dome and preventing them from attacking or escaping, you can force them to move away or take damage. This can be particularly effective when combined with other abilities.

You can use grenades or Super abilities to create a powerful combination of offensive and defensive abilities. Nothing is great than an offensive and defensive technique. Additionally, the increase in weapon damage and resistance granted by the Ward of Dawn can be used to your advantage. This will allow you to take out the enemies more quickly with your own weapons.

Strategic Placement of Ward of Dawn

Placing the Ward of Dawn in a strategic position, such as near a control point or capture point, can be a great way to protect your team while they are capturing or defending it. The Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn will provide protection from enemy fire and give your team a safe place to retreat if they need to reload or switch weapons. However, there is one problem. The maximum health of the Ward of Dawn barrier is now from 13,500 to 8,000. So there is a big difference.

Protecting Allies with Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn

Using the Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn to protect your allies while they are reviving fallen teammates can be a great way to ensure their safety. The Ward of Dawn will provide protection from enemy fire, allowing your team to safely revive their fallen teammate. It will also allow your team to take out enemies more quickly, while the teammate is being revived. 

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This can be especially useful when fighting against large groups of enemies. This is because it allows your team to focus their attention on the enemies while still providing protection to the fallen teammate. Everything is fine but you will have to keep in mind that in the latest update, the outgoing damage bonus has been reduced from 35 percent to 25 percent.

Create a Safe Zone for Healing and Planning

When activated, the Ward of Dawn will create a dome-shaped shield around your team. This will protect them from incoming enemy fire. This safe zone will give you and your team a chance to regroup, heal, and plan your next move without the threat of enemy fire. Additionally, you can use this safe zone to set up defensive positions or to launch coordinated attacks on enemy forces.


Limiting Enemy Movement

The Ward of Dawn will create a dome-shaped shield around the area. This will block off any pathways or doorways and prevent enemies from entering or exiting. This can be used to create a safe zone or to limit enemy movements, giving your team an advantage in battle. Additionally, you can use this shield to set up defensive positions or to launch coordinated attacks on enemy forces.

Best for Objective based modes

Destiny 2 Ward of Dawn is incredibly powerful in objective-based modes, such as Control, Survival, and Trials of Osiris. When used correctly, it can provide a huge advantage for your team. It has the to provide Orbs of Light, damage buff, and an area of protection. This can single-handedly swing a game in your team’s favor. 

In addition, it can be used to deny enemy Supers, and lock down an area of the map. It will also provide a safe area to grab Heavy ammo. All of these features make Ward of Dawn an invaluable asset in objective-based modes, and its short cooldown allows it to be used multiple times in a match. You can use it for attacking but there is one problem. It can be destroyed by certain Supers and it provides no easy kills on its own.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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Tags: Destiny 2