Disney Dreamlight Valley – 10 Tips and Tricks For Beginners


Here is the Disney Dreamlight Valley guide that has some of the best tips and tricks that will help you to improve your gameplay.

Gameloft is bringing a new role-playing video game Disney Dreamlight Valley, which is also known by its short name Dreamlight Valley. Various Disney and Pixar films will be featured in the game, including characters, items, and cameos. The game was announced on April 27, 2022, and it is expected to be released sometime in 2023. On September 6, 2022, early access began.

With this new life-sim adventure game, you’ll experience the magic of Disney as you discover rich stories and build your own neighborhood with Disney and Pixar heroes and villains. Before starting the game, we highly suggest you take a look at our Disney Dreamlight Valley guide because it has some of the best tips and tricks.

Disney Dreamlight Valley guide: Stamina system

There is a stamina system in Dreamlight Valley, but it isn’t quite as rigid as in Stardew Valley. You can’t complete activities when you run out of stamina, but you won’t faint. You can recover your energy the best if you eat a meal, but if you don’t have anything on hand or plan to save ingredients for something else, you can just go home. When you walk in the door, your energy bar will refill completely.

Disney Dreamlight Valley guide: Map

The Disney Dreamlight Valley map is another excellent source of in-game information. It shows the locations of all Disney villagers in real time, so you can easily find them if you want to offer them gifts or chat. You can also see when crops are ready to harvest by clicking on the apple icon. Each character’s icon will show a quest marker to let you know if they have any new quests or if they already have active quests.

Disney Dreamlight Valley guide: Goofy’s stall

With Dreamlight Valley, you will learn about the upgrade system, a way for you to help local businesses grow with your hard-earned coins. You may be tempted to do that with Goofy’s stall once it opens due to your initial investment, but you shouldn’t. Goofy’s stall, especially the meadow location, stocks items you can mostly find elsewhere, so you don’t really miss anything. The money would be better spent on Scrooge’s shop or saved for expanding your inventory.

Carry food and meals

You will spend a lot of time exploring and gathering resources in Disney Dreamlight Valley when you first start out – clearing Night Thorns, foraging, gardening, mining, fishing, and digging are just some of the core resource-gathering activities. These activities consume a lot of your energy. You will need to refill your Disney Dreamlight Valley Energy bar every few minutes, so save a couple of backpack inventory slots for food items you can eat as you explore.


Dreamlight Duties Rewards

The Dreamlight Duties at the top of your Dreamlight tab should catch your attention. You’re likely to be able to do these pretty consistently just by playing the game because they’re simple, straightforward requests you can usually complete quickly. They’re also a constant source of Dreamlight.

If you accept the reward for completing one Dreamlight Duty immediately, you will be able to replace it with a new one. There can be six Dreamlight Duties active at once, but you need to make sure you do them immediately. Because if you don’t, then you’ll lose out on easy new duties you could use to unlock areas you’d like to explore if you don’t.

Increase inventory

With Dreamlight Valley, you start off with a cramped backpack, just like most life games. There are storage options available, as well as the option to sell items at Goofy’s stall, but limitations quickly become apparent as you move farther into character realms, where storage options aren’t available. The first expansion will cost you 5,000 coins.

Crafting chests are very useful

Creating a chest for 25 softwoods and 25 rocks provides an additional 16 storage slots. Use chests to store food ingredients and crafting resources that you don’t need on you all the time. You won’t have to carry around coal in your backpack if you need to cook, or piles of rocks if you need to craft if you craft in your house. You’ll automatically pull those items from the chests when you craft or cook in your house.

Do not forget to hang out

Having Disney Villagers hang out with you in Dreamlight Valley is a great way to earn XP both on your personal level and on your friendship level with them. In addition to receiving new items at each level, increasing Friendship Levels for characters leads to a reward track. Character-specific quests will also help boost your Friendships even more. To power level your friendships, go on an expedition to mining, fishing, and digging to earn XP.

Dreamlight valley
Dreamlight valley

Grow crops

As we have already told you, you will need to consume food frequently in Dreamlight Valley to keep your energy levels up during the moment-to-moment gameplay. As part of quests and such, you’ll need to prepare dishes for your villagers. Because of this, you’ll have to grow plenty of ingredients, most of which can be obtained by growing crops.

As soon as you clear away night thorns in the opening hours of the game, you’ll obtain a lot of seeds, so make sure you plant them as soon as possible in your town. You can plant it anywhere in order to avoid scrambling to gather ingredients later for food-related quests.

Make use of the Dream Castle

As soon as you open up the Plaza biome, you’ll find the Dream Castle. A number of quests for beloved Disney characters will let you join your village if you complete a few quests for them, so use Dreamlight to clear night thorns and access new locations. You should invite these characters to your island as soon as possible if you’d like them to offer you boons or unlock useful features.

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Omer Khan
Omer Khan
I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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