Does Polyana Viana have an OnlyFans account?

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Does Polyana Viana have an OnlyFans account?

Polyana Viana’s triumphant in her last Octagon outing at UFC Vegas 64, where she swiftly dispatched Jinh Yu Frey in just 47 seconds, sparked discussions beyond her victory. The 30-year-old strawweight contender had been notably absent from the subscription platform OnlyFans, leaving fans curious about her absence.

Does Polyana Viana have an OnlyFans account? Polyana Viana interacts with media after the UFC 258 event at UFC Apex on February 13, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Las Vegas, Nevada United States – ZUMAp175 20210213_zsa_p175_006 Copyright: xDiegoxRibasx

Does Polyana Viana have an OnlyFans account? Has she deleted the account?

Viana’s impressive victory showcased her speed and precision, as she swiftly overwhelmed Frey with a barrage of strikes, marking her first knockout victory in years. However, it was her remarks about her absence from OnlyFans that caught media attention during the post-fight press conference.

Does Polyana Viana have an OnlyFans account? (Polyana Viana Twitter)

Addressing the speculation, Viana explained that she has not abandoned her presence on OnlyFans. She mentioned her intention to stay in Las Vegas for an additional five days to hold discussions with the platform’s owner, aiming to restart her participation. She attributed her hiatus from the platform to the challenges of her personal life, including recently moving to Sao Paulo and caring for her young son, multiple pets, and managing her daily commitments.

Polyana Viana’s victory on the canvas wasn’t the only subject of interest, as her candid statements shed light on the intricacies of balancing a demanding career with personal responsibilities. As Viana remains committed to her fighting career and her online presence, her journey continues to captivate fans and raise questions about the multi-faceted lives of athletes in the digital age.

It is worth noting that while she hasn’t joined back the platform yet, she has been posting content on Instagram that has been going viral. However, she does have a FANTIME account – Pretty Poli, which isn’t quite active as well.

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UFC Fighter Polyana Viana’s Daring Response to Robbery Attempt

While fans are interested in searching for the term Does Polyana Viana have an OnlyFans account there is more to her. In a jaw-dropping encounter that took place on January 7, 2019, UFC star Polyana Viana demonstrated her unmatched courage as she decisively dealt with a would-be robber armed with a cardboard gun. The Brazilian athlete was waiting for an Uber in Rio de Janeiro when the criminal demanded her phone. Unfazed by his claim of having a firearm, Viana rapidly engaged, delivering punches and kicks that left the perpetrator reeling. She then secured a rear-naked choke, detaining him until police arrived.

Viana recounted the incident in an interview, stating, “He put his hand over [a gun], but I realized it was too soft.” The “gun” turned out to be a mere cardboard cut-out. Viana confidently assessed the situation, thwarting the threat and ensuring her safety.

President of the UFC, Dana White, applauded Viana’s boldness, sharing an image on social media with the caption, “On the left is @polyanaviana, one of our @UFC fighters, and on the right is the guy who tried to rob her #badf******idea.”

Polyana Viana’s valiant response showcased her resilience and fearlessness, reaffirming her prowess not only within the Octagon but also in confronting real-life challenges.

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Abhishek, a versatile sports journalist and also a dedicated martial arts aficionado. With an enduring devotion to boxing and a growing interest in MMA, he has developed a profound understanding of combat sports. His writing mirrors the intensity of the ring, aiming to land a punch that resonates with readers.

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