
Is Michelle Obama pregnant? How did the former first lady conceive her children?

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Michelle Obama remains the talk of the town now and then given the image the Obama family has built over years with their accomplishments. However, a recent reference in the news headlines was made to Michelle Obama being pregnant. Shortly after the rumors of her daughter being pregnant settled down. The pressing question here is if Michelle Obama is pregnant?

Barack and Michelle Obama currently have two daughters named Sasha and Malia, the latter being the elder of them. The rumors of either her daughter or Michelle herself being pregnant were put to rest by confirmations from various sources. However, Michelle’s journey with conceiving has not been a rosy one. She revealed in an interview back in 2018, that both her daughters were conceived using IVF technology. The path the couple treaded involved difficulties, constant support even externally, and the way to keep their love alive.

She released her book, The Light We Carry where she talked about her early days of courtship with Barack. The candor and certainty she witnessed made her fall head over heels for the ex-president. Michelle Obama writes, “He was uninterested in playing around. Instead, he took the guesswork right out of it,” adding “He put his feelings on the table and left them there, as if to say, Here’s my interest. Here’s my respect. This is my starting point. We can only go forward from here.”

She further writes that she found it all ‘sexy as hell’ given the strength and the story of their relationship. It’s worth discussing how the couple dealt with their difficulties and differences easily and perfectly.

Is Michelle Obama pregnant? Michelle’s pregnancy journey shared with brevity in her own words

“I think it’s the worst thing that we do to each other as women, not share the truth about our bodies and how they work,” Mrs. Obama said on Good Morning America and shared her story with all honesty and brevity. She told how she went through a miscarriage which shred her apart. “We sit in our pain, thinking that somehow we’re broken,” she said, adding that “it’s important to talk to young mothers about the fact that miscarriages happen,” she said talking about the unfortunate event.

Is Michelle Obama pregnant? How did the former first lady conceive her children?

However, fortunately enough it was also the turning point when Michelle realized she had to opt for in-vitro. She had already turned 34-years-old by the time and had to accept the bitter truth, “The biological clock is real and the egg production is limited,” she says. The couple also reveals that they had to take couples therapy. They had to deal with the rough patch and the unconventional decisions they agreed upon.

Mrs. Obama narrates her journey

The journey wasn’t an easy one, reveals Michelle Obama as she was left alone given Barack Obama’s absence as he joined the state legislature. She had to administer her IVF shots alone and the relationship also struggled a bit. “Marriage counselling for us was one of those ways where we learned how to talk out our differences,” she told ABC, remembering all they went through to make Malia and Sasha happen.

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She made it a note that all couples who wanted a phenomenal marriage needed to work to make it happen the way they did. Remarking on her journey, she spoke in an interview saying. I know too many young couples who struggle and think that somehow there’s something wrong with them. And I want them to know that Michelle and Barack Obama, who have a phenomenal marriage and who love each other, we work on our marriage.”

Well, there is a lot to learn from the couple especially their endurance and their love for each other.

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