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Soccer is arguably the most enjoyable and lucrative sport in the world. Soccer players earn a lot of money as wages, a reward for making their passion a profession. Little wonder many young folks are interested in developing their skills in the hope of becoming professional soccer players and one of the best in their position.

It’s important to know that soccer enthusiasts can also make money from the game by making a selection from a list of available and placing a bet on them.

As a soccer player, you need to be aware that you must possess different skills for different positions — midfield, defense, forward, and goalkeeping. However, here are some essential skills you need to develop as a soccer player irrespective of your position in the field of play.

1. Passing Accuracy

One of the essential skills to develop as a soccer player is your passing accuracy. In a soccer game, passing accuracy is vital; it splits the opposition defense open, puts your team in a scoring position, dominates possession, and more. Regardless of your position on a soccer field, you’ll exchange passes with your teammates at one point or another. 

Soccer has transitioned from the old ways and patterns of play. Nowadays, you need to be able to use your two feet to make passes, short or long, to your teammates. Be it short or long passes, your precision must be on point most of the time, and it’s essential you learn how to pass when under intense pressure.

2. Strength and Power

Another essential skill to develop as a soccer player is strength and power. While a lot of people might see this as a personality rather than a skill, in soccer, it’s a combination of both but more of the latter. 

To succeed as a soccer player at this age, you need to combine technicality with strength. It’d be best if you had the power to defend, shoot, make long passes, shield the ball from opponents, win aerial duels, and most importantly, run around the field during matches without getting exhausted. 

So, to be successful as a soccer player, work on your strength and power. 

3. General Ball Control

Quality ball control differentiates a good soccer player from a bad one. This is an essential skill you need to develop as a soccer player. Like every other skill, it can be developed and improved upon. Without the ability to control the ball perfectly, you can’t become a professional soccer player, regardless of your position on the field of play. 

Quality ball control allows you to evade the attack, protect your defense, and move the ball into dangerous places to create goal-scoring chances. In recent times, soccer coaches have preferred even their goalkeepers to have quality ball control and to be good with their feet. This shows how important the skill is in modern soccer.

4. Shooting Skill

One of the skills you need to develop as a soccer player is shooting. It’s essential for every soccer player — goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards to know how to shoot. Shooting a ball can happen in different ways on a field of play. So, it’s important always to be prepared for it by constantly practicing and honing the skill. 

Although shooting seems easy, it’s the most technical and complicated soccer skill that must be acquired and developed. You need to know when you should hit the ball with a lot of intensity, and you need to know when to shoot mildly. 

Even if you have a stronger or more preferred foot for shooting, try to develop the other one. It not only improves your game, but also makes you a complete player. 

5. First Touch 

As simple as this sounds, it’s one skill that differentiates a good soccer player from a bad one. In soccer, the first touch is crucial; the ability to control the ball without having it bounce away from your feet. It sets the stage for a more advanced move in favor of the team.

However, if your first touch is bad, you lose the ball every time, and if you don’t, you give the opponents much time to close down on you, thereby limiting the team’s chances. Therefore, to be an outstanding soccer player, dedicate a lot of time to developing your first touch skills.


Soccer as a profession is very lucrative. While you can enjoy it as a passion, you can also make money from it as a profession by developing the requisite skills. Developing these skills will shape you into becoming one of the most sought-after soccer players. 

You need to develop essential skills like passing accuracy, general ball control, first touch, shooting skills, and strength and power as a soccer player, together with the ones you need to have based on your position on the soccer field. With these, you have all it takes to succeed as a professional player in the sport.