
Europe: the cannabis market is booming

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The economy of the European Union is of absolute depth at the international level and is also populated by numerous excellences in various commercial, commodity and financial fields.

More recently, the cultivation, production, treatment and marketing of cannabis for various purposes, such as medical therapies, has also been part of the massive global economic context.

Besides, you can legally  and order them online at the best websites.

However, the legal systems of the individual Member States are not aligned, and the situation is somewhat complex in its reference details. Advances in chemical and scientific procedures in hemp processing.

A new study has found that hemp getting “hot” – beyond legally permitted THC levels – is likely due to genetics alone rather than environmental stressors also playing a role.

In the European Union

CBD is becoming more and more widespread in our country, but many wonder if its use is legal. Extracted from Cannabis Sativa, CBD is a substance rich in benefits with few contraindications, a topic that can be explored by following this link. It can be purchased in the form of oil, crystals or inflorescences.

The fact that it is found in marijuana often raises the question that its use is not entirely legitimate. CBD is not considered a drug because it has no psychotropic effects. Let’s find out what the law says about the production, marketing and use of cannabidiol.

What is CBD

CBD or cannabidiol is a molecule extracted from cannabis Sativa, i.e. hemp, and is present in high percentages in legal cannabis. Unlike THC, the other known substance found in hemp, it has no psychoactive effects and can therefore be taken without any problems.

Not only does it not endanger your health, but it can also have beneficial effects. In addition to relaxing and regulating sleep, it also has essential anti-inflammatory functions. In contrast, THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol can alter cognitive functions and create hallucinogenic states.

It is the latter that is known to make marijuana a drug.

The World Health Organization and CBD

Following the analysis of data obtained from numerous studies and research, the WHO, as of 2019, had requested the cancellation of CBD from the list drawn up in 1961 concerning substances considered harmful and “of extremely low medical and therapeutic value”.

Cannabidiol has been shown to possess characteristics that make it suitable for medical and therapeutic use.

At the same time as this request, the World Health Organization had also stressed that CBD should be made from cannabis containing no more than 0.2% THC.

In 2020, the European Court was forced to assess the work of two sellers of electronic cigarettes who had introduced CBD into the liquid.

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Initially convicted, they were acquitted because CBD could not be considered a narcotic.

The 19 November judgement, therefore, ruled in favour of CBD’s production, marketing and consumption, but under certain conditions.

To be considered legal, the substance must be extracted from hemp containing no more than 0.2% THC and must have been produced by one of the EU member states.

Another condition concerns the extraction, which must occur on the whole plant and not only from seeds or fibres.

European legislation states that EU countries cannot ban the marketing of CBD unless the ban, justified by protecting citizens’ health, is motivated in some way.

Cannabidiol and legal hemp: what the law says

Italy is now the leading European country for CDB, and some of the best online CBD companies have their HQ in Italy. Italian law 242 of 2016, concerning the legal production of hemp, clearly defines the chemical composition of the plant and the permitted areas of use.

Regarding the latter, cannabis Sativa can be used for producing textiles, food and cosmetics, creating ecological building materials or bioengineering, horticultural and educational crops, and producing oils and fuels.

In terms of composition, the text of the law does not mention CBD, while THC is mentioned. In this case, the permitted values are slightly higher, up to 0.6%.

CBD: is it allowed in the UK?

Since there are no specific laws related to CBD, it is questionable whether it is legal.

Considering the European Court’s decision, the advice of the WHO, and the lack of explicit references in law 242 on hemp, it can be inferred that its use is allowed. As we have seen, it is not a drug but a substance capable of bringing benefits to those who take it.

However, to avoid risks, it is essential to buy products that comply with the law, i.e. that contain very low percentages of THC and are produced in one of the countries of the Union.

In addition to verifying the origin and composition, it is always best to contact reliable retailers, both online, such as Justbob, and physical shops in your city.

Whether oils, crystals or inflorescences, you can be sure that buying and taking CBD is not harmful to your health and is not prohibited by British and European legislation.

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