Formula 1

Is alcohol allowed at the Singapore Grand Prix?

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Here’s everything you need to know regarding the regulations on the consumption of alcohol at the Singapore Grand Prix.

Attendees of the Singapore GP at Marina Bay should avoid drinking alcohol while watching the exciting action that unfolds on track. This rule is consistent with similar restrictions at other races this year, including those in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Barcelona, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Italy.

The prohibition on alcoholic beverages remains in effect during the Singapore GP, and attendees are not allowed to have or consume such drinks at the venue. However, beer cans and bottles can be bought from designated outlets within the circuit. It’s essential to keep these regulations and additional instructions in mind when planning your visit to ensure a pleasant and compliant experience.

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Food and beverage stalls are spread throughout the circuit, with a significant concentration in Zone 4’s Padang area and near the Singapore Flyer in Zone 1. Keep an eye out for the ‘hawker’ villages where you can find a variety of delicious Asian dishes like satays, noodles, and curries.

Most meals within the circuit are reasonably priced, typically ranging from $10 to $15 SGD. While there are more expensive options available, a large beer is relatively affordable at around $14 to $15 SGD, which is cheaper than what you’d find at most bars outside the circuit. Additionally, a bottle of water costs $3 SGD, and soft drinks are priced at approximately $4 to $5 SGD.

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For those on a budget, there are several affordable food and drink options just outside the circuit, some of which even offer air-conditioned seating for a quick break. However, it’s important to note that you can’t bring any outside food or alcohol back into the circuit.

Inside the circuit, you can also find a few regular supermarkets where you can stock up on essentials, such as at the Esplanade Mall in Zone 4. This provides additional flexibility for your dining and refreshment choices during your visit to the Singapore GP.

Is the weather a concern for the race this weekend?

The upcoming Singapore Grand Prix at the Marina Bay Street Circuit is anticipated to have its usual cloudy and overcast weather conditions, which are typical for this time of year in the region. Of particular concern is the likelihood of heavy showers, which frequently happen during this period. The forecast suggests that the overcast skies will persist throughout the entire weekend, with a significant chance of scattered showers, causing some apprehension. It’s highly probable that the race weekend will encounter substantial rainfall over all three days.

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On Friday, the practice sessions are likely to be impacted by showers, with a significant 40% chance of rain in the evening. Cooler temperatures are expected during this time. Saturday’s Sprint race is also predicted to have similar conditions. Fortunately, there is a slight improvement in the weather forecast for Sunday evening, which is the main race day. However, there’s still a 50% chance of rain throughout the entire day. It appears that rain may play a significant role in the weather conditions during the Singapore Grand Prix weekend, particularly affecting the practice sessions and Sprint race.

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Sarbik Dutta

My heart races on the F1 track and tennis courts, translating the adrenaline of each moment into words. While F1's speed thrills and tennis's finesse captivate me, my passion doesn't stop there. As a devoted follower of cricket, football, and various Olympic sports, I find myself engulfed in the highs and lows of these games. Through my writing, I aim to share the stories behind the stats, the emotions fueling the victories, and the struggles that define the journey of athletes across diverse disciplines. Being a voice that echoes the fervor of these sports is a privilege I cherish every day.

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