
Fact Check: Did a 2013 Facebook post really predict the Titanic Sub mishap?

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This article explores the 2013 Facebook post predicting the recent Oceangate Titanic Expedition Tragedy and more similar things about it.

Recently, the internet has been abuzz with a surprising revelation regarding a Facebook post from 2013. The post, shared by Deborah Grattan, a talented Irish musician and DJ, has resurfaced in light of the tragic incident involving the Titan submersible and the Titanic wreckage. Deborah’s post, written years before the recent mishap, has caught the attention of online users due to its eerie resemblance to the actual events.

In her Facebook post, Deborah vividly described a dream she had, envisioning an evil billionaire organizing submarine trips to the Titanic. Intriguingly, her dream took a dark turn as she foresaw a disastrous outcome during the maiden voyage of these submarine expeditions, caused by attempts to drain water from the sunken vessel. She even suggested that her dream could potentially make for a captivating movie plot.

Now, as news of the Oceangate submersible’s fateful journey continues to dominate headlines, Deborah’s prophetic Facebook post is being widely shared and discussed across social media platforms. Internet users are left astonished by the uncanny parallel between her dream and the actual incident involving the Titan submersible.

While the circumstances surrounding Deborah’s dream and the subsequent events may seem remarkably coincidental, it serves as a testament to the mysterious and interconnected nature of our world. Such intriguing occurrences capture our imaginations and fuel conversations as we contemplate the boundaries between dreams, reality, and the intriguing possibilities that lie within.

Deborah’s widely circulated Facebook post from 2013, which seemingly predicted the Titan submersible incident, has sparked significant online interest. In light of the attention it has received, Deborah has expressed her thoughts on the matter. She empathetically emphasizes that regardless of the victims’ wealth or social status, they were all human beings who should not have experienced such a tragic and devastating fate.

Deborah’s response highlights the importance of recognizing the inherent value and worth of every individual, irrespective of their circumstances. Her words serve as a reminder that empathy and compassion should extend to all, regardless of their background or position in society. In the face of such a shocking event, Deborah’s sentiments resonate with many as they reflect on the fragility of life and the significance of treating others with kindness and understanding.

Another similar thing going viral about the incident

A video circulating on social media has sparked intrigue as it suggests a possible connection between an episode of The Simpsons and the recent Titanic submersible incident. The episode in question, from the show’s 17th season titled “Simpsons Tide,” originally aired in 2006.

In this episode, Homer Simpson embarks on an underwater expedition with a man he believes to be his biological father. During their adventure, they encounter a sunken ship called “Piso Mojado” and explore the ocean depths in submersibles. Homer’s submersible becomes trapped in a coral cave, resulting in a dramatic loss of oxygen and his subsequent loss of consciousness. However, he miraculously wakes up in a hospital three days later.

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While the storyline does not precisely mirror the Titan submersible incident or its oxygen levels, some social media users have drawn parallels between the fictional plot and the real-life event. This is not the first time The Simpsons has been associated with seemingly predicting future occurrences before they happen, contributing to its reputation for its uncanny foresight.

James Cameroon Comments on Oceangate’s Titanic Expediation Failure

Renowned Hollywood film director James Cameron, known for directing the iconic movie Titanic in 1997, has expressed his concerns regarding the submersible involved in the tragic incident that claimed five lives. In an interview with the BBC, Cameron criticized the construction team, accusing them of taking shortcuts during the building process.

According to Cameron, the parent company of the Titan submersible, OceanGate, deliberately avoided certification as they knew they wouldn’t meet the required standards. The director expressed his skepticism towards the technology used in the submersible, stating that he would never have chosen to board it given his doubts.

Cameron, who has completed an impressive 33 submersible dives to the wreck of the Titanic, is well-versed in underwater exploration. He noted that the Titan submersible was constructed using carbon fiber and titanium. However, during his own Deepsea Challenger expedition in 2012, which took him to the deepest known oceanic trench, he utilized different technology.

When Cameron learned that the submersible had lost both its navigation and communication systems simultaneously, he immediately suspected a disaster. The failure of these crucial components, along with the tracking transponder, led him to believe that the submersible was irretrievably lost.

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Dinesh Kanakaraj

From Hollywood's dazzling red carpets to the enchanting world of K-pop, never leaves no stone unturned when it comes to merging insight and entertainment. I am a avid reader and that's the reason behind your joyful experience of my writings. Always love playing cricket and trying hard to master ukulele. Available on my socials. Feel free to ping. See you there.

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