Former WWE Superstar States That He Is “Quitting Wrestling”

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Former WWE NXT Superstar Jordan Myles/ACH has claimed that he is quitting professional wrestling. The former New Japan Super Junior competitor took to Twitter recently and wrote the following: “I hate pro wrestling. I hate you s—ty fans that think you know it all! More importantly I hate the snakes in this industry. None of y’all would never say anything about me to me. All of y’all can go screw yourselves. I’m canceling my shows AND I’m quitting pro wrestling. Chasing my dream was great, but you self entitled pr*cks ruin EVERYTHING. I’m out.”

Leaving WWE – ACH

ACH recently left WWE following controversy surrounding a Jordan Myles t-shirt that was released for sale. The then Jordan Myles took to Twitter and made his opinion on the situation very clear, pulling no punches on WWE, Triple H and an NXT crew member.

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Jay Lethal

ACH also previously made comments aimed at former ROH Champion Jay Lethal, calling him an ‘uncle Tom.’ “Lethal slapped me in a hotel room because he didn’t like me using the n word which he uses as well,” ACH tweeted. “He tried to pull my bish cars in front of the locker room, but I defended myself. I hit him back and took him down. And I was told I had to apologize for it because it would be In my best interest. Jimmy Jacobs a person who I respect was the reason I felt I had too. When I went to Lethal he never apologized to me for putting his hands on me. All he did was tell me how he’s felt with racism etc etc. but not ONCE did he ever say my bad for hitting you.”

“I don’t like him. I never will.”

ACH elaborated further, saying “so till this day I’ll say it loud and clear. I don’t like him. I never will. Stop asking me to apologize for what I’ve said because I won’t ever. ROH locker was the worst time in my career for me. I’m over it! I dont care to talk about it. And I’ll do whatever in my power To make sure I’m never ever belittled, embarrassed, or bullied again.”

Jake Jeremy

Freelance Writer // Editor in Chief // Social Media Manager

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