Free Spooky Games on Epic Games – Among the Sleep, Darq Complete Edition

Epic Games is offering two spooky games this Halloween. Here is everything you need to know about Among the Sleep and Darq Complete Edition.

If you were living under a rock, here is what every gamer should know. Epic Games offers free games for players every week. The Epic Games Store and its giveaways are well-known around the world. They’ve previously given away several excellent games, including AAA titles such as GTA V and other underappreciated indie titles.

This Halloween they are giving away copies of two spooky games. Players can get Among the Sleep Enhanced Edition for free till October 28. After that for the main event, players will be able to obtain a copy of DARQ The Complete Edition from October 28 to November 4. Here is a brief gameplay idea of what to expect from these horror games.

Among The Sleep – Enhanced Edition

Among the Sleep is a survival horror game created by Krillbite Studio that is played in first-person. The player takes control of a two-year-old toddler who wakes up in the middle of the night to strange sounds. In pursuit of comfort, he then begins to explore in the dark. Instead of soundtrack and battle, this game’s horror is experienced through environment and exploration.

Throughout the game, the toddler is accompanied by a teddy bear that his father has given him. While attempting to make sense of the outside world, the game makes the player feel vulnerable and afraid. If the player drops Teddy, which usually happens when they reach a new level or area after sliding through pipes, they must pick it up before continuing.

The game was first released in 2014 for PC. Later on, the studio released the Among the Sleep Enhanced version for the Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC. The enhanced version adds a prologue and an alternate ending for the game. If you already own the game, players will get a free upgrade to the Enhanced version. And trust us when we say this, but the alternate ending is totally worth it.

DARQ Complete Edition

Darq: Complete Edition is a surrealistic side-scrolling puzzle game featuring thunderous, nerve-racking jump scares. This is a wonderful yet scary short game. Something you can complete in less than six hours. To get the full effect, make sure you turn out the lights and put on headphones. That is if you want to double the scariness factor. DARQ Complete Edition is only available on PC, Xbox One, PS4 and the Nintendo Switch.

Lloyd, a little boy who realises he is dreaming, is the protagonist of DARQ. Lloyd’s bad luck is that the dream swiftly develops into a nightmare, and all attempts to wake up fail. Lloyd learns how to endure the nightmare by bending the laws of physics and manipulating the dream world while exploring the darkest corners of his brain.

Apart from gravity-defying problems, Lloyd will have to employ stealth to avoid monsters in close proximity. In an open battle, he has little hope of winning because the beings he would face are far more powerful and faster than he is. Instead, he must rely on meticulous planning to escape detection.

If you want to get in the Halloween spirit, these games are the right fit for you. Among the Sleep is available for free till October 28 and Darq Complete Edition will be available from October 28 to November 4. 

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