Genshin Impact Jadefall’s Splendor

Genshin Impact Jadefall’s Splendor – Ascension Materials, Stats, Best Characters

Here are the Genshin Impact Jadefall’s Splendor ascension materials, stats, and the best characters that can use it.

There is no official word on whether Jadefall’s Splendor will be a signature weapon used by the Dendro character Baizhu, but it has been rumored that it will be a 5-star catalyst in Genshin Impact. The crystalline jade vessel reflects the luster of the sky and the clear waters it reflects. 

Jadefall’s Splendor is said to grant the Primordial Jade Regalia effect for three seconds after using an Elemental Burst or creating a shield, according to leaks. We will discuss Jadefall’s Splendor ascension materials, stats, and the best characters to use with Jadefall’s Splendor in this guide.

Jadefall’s Splendor
Jadefall’s Splendor

Jadefall’s Splendor Ascension Materials

The table shows the Mora and the required materials for each ascension phase of Genshin Impact Jadefall’s Splendor. Each ascension phase requires a Local Specialty, such as Luminous Sands from Guyun or Lustrous Stone from Guyun, and two common materials, which can be either a Flower Yet to Bloom, Fungal Spores, Treasured Flower, Luminescent Pollen, Wanderer’s Blooming Flower, or Crystalline Cyst Dust. The required quantity of the materials increases as the ascension phase advances.

Ascension PhaseMoraLocal SpecialtyCommon Material 1Common Material 2
Phase 110,000Luminous Sands from GuyunA Flower Yet To Bloom x5Fungal Spores x3
Phase 220,000Lustrous Stone from GuyunA Flower Yet To Bloom x18Fungal Spores x12
Phase 330,000Lustrous Stone from GuyunTreasured Flower x9Luminescent Pollen x9
Phase 445,000Relic from GuyunTreasured Flower x18Luminescent Pollen x14
Phase 555,000Relic from GuyunWanderer’s Blooming Flower x14Crystalline Cyst Dust x9
Phase 665,000Divine Body from GuyunWanderer’s Blooming Flower x27Crystalline Cyst Dust x18

Genshin Impact Jadefall’s Splendor Stats

The table shows the base attack and bonus HP% for Jadefall’s Splendor at various levels, including its base stats at level 1, and the stats at each ascension phase. The bonus HP% increases as the character levels up and goes through each ascension phase, while the base attack also increases at each ascension phase.

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LevelBase AttackBonus HP%

Best Characters for Genshin Impact Jadefall’s Splendor

When it comes to the best characters for using Jadefall’s Splendor weapon in Genshin Impact, there are a few options worth considering. Two popular choices are Kokomi and Barbara, as they can both benefit from the weapon’s unique stats.

In particular, Genshin Impact Jadefall’s Splendor can be a great fit for both Kokomi and Barbara due to its HP stat. While Kokomi’s ascension stat is Hydro DMG Bonus, her healing still scales off of her maximum HP, making the HP% bonus from the Baizhu Catalyst valuable for increasing her overall healing output. Additionally, as the main DPS, Kokomi can also benefit from the Energy Recharge and Elemental DMG provided by Jadefall’s Splendor.

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Similarly, Barbara’s healing is also dependent on her maximum HP, making the Genshin Impact Jadefall’s Splendor a good fit for her as well. By increasing her overall HP through the catalyst’s bonus, Barbara can become an even more effective healer for the team. This can be especially valuable in situations where sustained healing is necessary, such as in longer battles or when facing tougher enemies.

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