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Genshin Impact Mesmerizing Dream at Sea – Web Event Guide and All Answers

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Here is a quick guide on how to answer all the questions for the event, Genshin Impact Mesmerizing Dream at Sea.

Genshin Impact by Mihoyo is an open world RPG with stunning visuals and high quality graphics. The game is compatible cross platform and the art-style is supported throughout the platforms. To deliver such a high quality game on Mobile is a great achievement.

Mesmerizing Dream at Sea is a Web Event for all the players. You don’t even need to open the game for this event. All you need to do is enter the link given below and login on the website with your Genshin impact account. And complete the event. Needless to say, these events help bolster your Primo reserves. Their ultimate knife to heart for the die hard fans.

Genshin Impact Web Event – Mesmerizing Dream at Sea

Genshin Impact on random intervals releases mini games and events based on webapps. They are cute short stories or daily grinding events to reap rewards.

We will answer all the questions one by one, with the illustrated questions so that you have no trouble clearing the quest and reaping the rewards. This is a two-day event and we have answered all the questions for the Genshin Mesmerizing Dream event.

Day 1 of Genshin Impact Mesmerizing Dream Event

First Question

Question no. 1 Day 1

The correct answer is, the third option: Is it an island with lots of Dodocos?

Second Question

Question no. 2 Day 1

The correct answer is the third option again: The Kaboomball Fortress?

Third Question

Question no. 3 Day 1

The correct answer is the second option: A flying Treasure Chest?

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Day 2 of Genshin Impact Mesmerizing Dream Event

Question 1

Question no. 1 Day 2

The correct answer is the third option: Dream Form.

Question 2

Question no. 2 of Day 2

The correct answer is the first option: A Specter

Question 3

Question no. 3 of Day 2

The correct answer is the third option: Some Creature that’s good at pulling pranks.

For future updates on this event please visit again to know more answers. We will update this post regularly to include all the answers.

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