
Goddess of Victory: Nikke Red Hood Character Guide – Best Gears, Cubes, and More

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Nikke Red Hood is the latest Grimms Model to join the Goddess squad. She stands out with her bright red hair, scarf, and jacket. 

Red Hood is a strong girl with a rough past, and she has been in a lot of fights before. She did amazing things on the battlefield, as shown by her bright hair and fiery eyes. She becomes a determined shooter and gets a special skill called “Burst Skill” that she can use at any time during a burst. 

Moreover, she can give either huge attacking or defensive buffs, depending on what you choose. In addition, she is the only one who can turn extra charge speed into charge damage. This lets her get the most out of all buffs. Red Hood is the embodiment of destruction on the right team. If she decides to let her friends take the spotlight instead, she changes into a guardian of strength, supporting her allies from the background.

This was just the introduction to Nikke Red Hood. We have a complete character guide for Goddess of Victory: Nikke Red Hood which will give you the best tips and tricks for the character and also suggest you the best gears, cubes, and skills you need.

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Red Hood Complete Kit

Skill 1

People think of Red Hood as a better version of Alice, and they both do similar things. One thing that makes Nikke Red Hood different from her childish cousin is that she has a constant pierce that doesn’t automatically steal lives. With her first skill, she can give herself a charge speed buff that can be stacked. Any extra charge speed would be turned into 240% more charge damage. 

Skill 2

On the other hand, her Skill 2 is about adding extra affects to her Burst Skill. You can guess that her Skill 2 and Burst Skill are the same skill that gets split, making players buy twice as many skill books as they needed before. Last but not least, what makes her different from the other players is her unique Burst Skill. Based on what kind of help you need from her, she can use it in Stages I, II, and III.

Burst skill stages

In Stage I, she could use her Burst Skill to make your team much stronger. When she uses her Burst Skill in Stage II, she can taunt all of her enemies for a long time while her HP kept going up thanks to lifesteal and strength. When she uses her Burst Skill in Stage III, she can become a goddess of destruction. Testing has shown that she might have the best DPS in the game.

Also, her Burst will always go on a 40s CD no matter what stage you use it in, unless the Stage I and II gimmick resets it, which can only happen once per fight (the restart limit is different for each stage). For some teams, these free restarts can mean a small boost in damage and the chance to stay alive. People who want to use the 40s CD in the B1 spot as an ATK backup will still be let down by it.

Best Tips for Goddess of Victory: Nikke Red Hood

DPS or Buffer

You can back up or use Red Hood as a DPS. This relies on the enemy a lot. Like, when fighting a boss with many parts or a lot of mobs, Nikke Red Hood can quickly do a lot of damage. However, if her friends can deal damage faster than she can, you might want to use her as a cushion.

Focus on activating her Burst Skill in Stage III if you are using her as a DPS. This skill lets you fire a number of charged shots at one or more targets. In some ways, it works like Alice’s, but it has more ammo and fires faster when it’s in AUTO mode. 

Even though Red Hood does less damage per shot than Alice and skilled players can shoot much faster with Alice, it is not limited by ammo and is not affected by how fast the player taps or clicks. It also has a bigger pierce radius, which makes it easier for her to hit multiple close targets at once. In the first place, this means that Goddess of Victory Nikke Red Hood will usually have a lot more DPS than Alice. She is the best DPS and force in the game right now.

Burst Skill

In Stage I, she can use her Burst Skill only once without stopping the cycle. This gives everyone on the team a huge ATK boost. Use it to slightly increase the damage you give, but remember to look at the damage after the fact.

Once you use the Burst Skill a second time in Stage I, it will take 40 seconds to use it again. Bring another B1 with you, whether it’s a 20s or 40s, if you want a smooth burst spin. You can bring anyone you want here because this is a flex spot. You could choose Sakura, Milk, or Noise, but Pepper or Mary can also work. Furthermore, you can also wait out the 40-second slowdown in campaign stages by killing one mob before the boss shows up.

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Red Hood can use her Stage II Burst Skill to taunt all enemies and give herself lifesteal and HP power when she needs it the most. The idea behind this skill is that Nikke Red Hood will heal herself more than her friends do damage. She would still die if the damage is too great. When you use the Burst Skill for the first time in Stage II, the CD will restart, so it won’t have much of an effect on your main movement. When you activate it again, there will be a 40s CD, which means you can’t use it in Stage I or III anymore. This can cause you to lose DPS.

Red Hood stats

Special Mode

It’s best for her lifesteal if Nikke Red Hood turns on her special mode, which is locked behind her Burst Skill in Stage III. Here’s the catch: you can only do this after resetting the CD. If you don’t, there will be a 40-second CD after using the Burst Skill in Stage II. Thank goodness this is not a strict rule. Red Hood can still heal enough without Burst iii if she only has lifesteal, but she will heal less per second total.

Best Gear

As always, start with the body, gloves, and helmet. You want to make her Boots too heavy so you can enjoy the OL lines. Because her ATK doesn’t scale as well, we think you should max her helmet and gloves to Level 5 and leave her body at Level 3. You can leave the Boots at Level 0 unless you need the extra CP. In that case, Level 3 is enough. For the OL lines, 1+ Max Ammo and ATK should come first. Elemental Damage can be useful in some situations. Then you have two options for the extra lines:

  • Full Charge Route:Low Max Ammo + Charge Speed, along with Bastion, is the full charge route.
  • Quick Scope Route: High Max Ammo and Resilience together

The charge speed version can deal more damage and gets stronger as more charge speed buffers are added. You should choose the first one you see because otherwise you will spend too much crystal on her.

Best Skills

When it comes to importance, her Burst Skill does a lot of damage, and her S2 is more important than her S1. Still, she needs all of her skills to be trained up because she is a DPS. She only needs to improve her Burst Skill as a Support, though. No matter what, we suggest that you upgrade her so that she can do DPS and Support.

Start with 5/5/5 or 4/4/4, then move on to 5/7/7, then 7/7/7, and finally 7/10/10. This is pretty good, but 10/10/10 is what you should aim for.

Best Cubes

As long as Max Ammo is less than 10, Resilience is the best. If your Max Ammo is 10 or more, you can use both Resilience and Bastion. If your Max Ammo is 10 or more, we suggest using the higher level ability for the small but useful base ATK + elemental damage boost. The value of the adjutant is too low to make it worth using, but it is still the best option you have.


What are the stages of Nikke Red Hood’s Burst Skill and their effects?

In Stage I, she boosts the team’s ATK significantly. In Stage II, she taunts enemies, gains lifesteal, and enhances her HP power. Stage III transforms her into a goddess of destruction, potentially boasting the best DPS in the game. The Burst Skill has a 40s cooldown, with possible resets in Stage I and II, offering strategic advantages.

How should Nikke Red Hood be used – as a DPS or Buffer?

Red Hood can serve as either a DPS or a buffer, depending on the team’s needs. She excels in dealing damage quickly, especially against bosses or mobs. Players can choose to focus on activating her Burst Skill in Stage III for optimal DPS, unleashing a barrage of charged shots with more ammo and a larger pierce radius than other characters.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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