
How to beat Ellie in The Last of Us 2

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Want to know how to beat Ellie The Last of Us 2? This guide has the best tips and tricks for this boss fight.

The Last of Us 2, has finally hit the shelves. This game picks up right where its critically acclaimed predecessor left off. There is the world of Ellie and introducing a mysterious new character named Abby. But be prepared for unexpected twists and turns in the storyline, as you won’t always be playing as Ellie. Many players are facing difficulties to beat Ellie The Last of Us 2. If you are one of them then no need to worry because this guide will help you. 


How to Beat Ellie The Last of Us 2

As you progress through the second act of the game, you’ll continue to play as Abby, leading up to the ultimate showdown at the movie theater. Brace yourself, as you’re about to face off against the toughest boss in the game yet: Ellie herself. Having previously played as Ellie, you’re familiar with all the weapons and tactics she’s capable of employing. Therefore, expect her to use them all against you.

In the initial stage of the battle, Abby will take cover behind some containers while Ellie brandishes her switchblade. This segment should be relatively straightforward to overcome. All you need to do is outmaneuver Ellie by flanking her from behind and launching a surprise attack to progress to the subsequent phase.

Second Phase

As you progress to the second phase of the battle, Ellie will be armed with her deadly bow and rifle. This will make the fight even more difficult. Be extra cautious when walking on the rattling chains in this room. Any noise will give away your position and attract Ellie’s attention. If she spots you, she won’t hesitate to unleash a barrage of arrows, inflicting massive damage. If you do get hit, you’ll need to press and hold the R1 button promptly to extract the arrow and prevent further harm.

To increase your chances of survival, keep an eye out for bricks and bottles scattered around the arena, and use them to your advantage. Throwing these objects will create distractions. This will allow you to sneak up on Ellie and catch her off-guard for a surprise attack. Note that it’s much harder to sneak up on her during this phase, so be sure to use distractions wisely.

If you manage to get behind Ellie for a strike, you’ll enter the final phase of the battle. Stay alert and focused, as this is your last chance to defeat her and emerge victorious.

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Final Phase

In the final phase of Ellie The Last of Us 2 boss fight, she plants proximity mines on the ground. These mines are deadly, and even a slight touch will result in instant death. Keep your eyes peeled and avoid them at all costs. To make matters worse, Ellie becomes even more dangerous by hiding and remaining undetectable in Listen mode. This means you’ll need to rely on your eyesight to locate her, making the fight even more challenging.

Fortunately, you can still use distractions to your advantage. Toss bricks and bottles to lure Ellie away from your position. This will give you an opportunity to strike or reposition yourself. If you’re lucky enough to snag a brick or bottle while Ellie is in front of you, use it to stun her temporarily, buying you a few crucial seconds to strike or evade her attacks.

Remember, the key to victory in this phase is to stay calm, focused, and alert. Keep your wits about you, and don’t get caught off-guard by Ellie’s tricks and traps. With a bit of luck and skill, you can emerge victorious and beat Ellie The Last of Us 2.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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