Home » esports » How to beat Infernal Enchantress in Lords of the Fallen

Despite her smaller stature compared to other bosses, the Lords of the Fallen Infernal Enchantress has a unique set of attacks.

Lords of the Fallen is one of the best action role-playing games out there. It has a thrilling storyline with tough bosses, like the Infernal Enchantress. The smaller size of this fiery enemy can make it a tough opponent if you don’t have a well-thought-out plan for the fight. This guide will teach you everything you need to know to beat the Lords of the Fallen Infernal Enchantress and continue your exciting journey.

This boss is very strong
This boss is very strong

Understanding the Lords of the Fallen Infernal Enchantress

The Infernal Enchantress is the eighth boss you’ll encounter in Lords of the Fallen, and she’s not to be underestimated. This boss fight presents a unique challenge, as it does not consist of multiple phases, unlike some other encounters. Throughout the battle, the Infernal Enchantress employs a consistent set of moves, which can be a relief for players, knowing they won’t have to adapt to new patterns midway.

Breaking the Barrier

The Lords of the Fallen Infernal Enchantress is protected by a red bubble that works as a shield at the start of the battle. In addition, her life bar has a blue orb on the left side, which means she is safe from parasites. Getting rid of this barrier is the first thing you need to do in this fight. To speed things up, you can start by using long attacks, but watch out for the Infernal Enchantress’s moves.

To get rid of the barrier, you need to find and kill the four bugs that make it up. Near the start of the field, near a wooden path, is the first parasite. The second one can be found next to a wall. This one is on the left, next to a broken bridge. The fourth one is next to a tree, close to the Infernal Enchantress.

Engaging the Infernal Enchantress

With the barrier gone, you can now focus on the Infernal Enchantress herself. You have the choice of engaging in melee combat, ranged combat, or a hybrid style that combines both approaches. However, it’s essential to remember that the Infernal Enchantress employs different attacks based on your proximity to her.

Close-Quarters Combat

There will be a number of quick attacks from the Infernal Enchantress if you choose to fight close up. You should be especially careful of her move that lets her wrap herself in a swirling fire that ends in a blast. If you want to avoid too much damage, quickly move away when you see her use this move. The Infernal Enchantress will come back to life in a different part of the arena after the blast. She can also use her hand as a flamethrower, which burns things and does damage over time. To keep your health from getting hurt, be careful and avoid these hits.

Taking down the boss
Taking down the boss

Ranged Combat

The Lords of the Fallen Infernal Enchantress changes how she attacks when she chooses to fight from a distance. You can tell she’s going to throw fireballs at you by the way her arm moves as she gets ready to do so. This lets you move around and avoid the fireballs that are coming at you. As a distant attack, red lines show up on the ground, which means fireballs are about to appear. Get out of the way of these fireballs to stay safe. It’s also less likely that the Infernal Enchantress will decide to throw fireballs straight at you. Always be ready and keep dodging to keep yourself in a place where she can’t hit you.


To beat the Infernal Enchantress in Lords of the Fallen, you have to pay close attention to her weapons. You can avoid them, but they can do a lot of damage. If you follow the strategies in this guide, the fight should be easier to handle. You will get a Vestige Seed, the Infernal Enchantress Flesh, the Infernal Enchantress Flail, and the Infernal Enchantress Helm when you win.


What kind of attacks does the Infernal Enchantress use in close-quarters combat?

In close-quarters combat, the Infernal Enchantress can execute rapid moves, with one particularly dangerous attack involving her wrapping herself in fire that leads to an explosion.

What rewards do I receive for defeating the Infernal Enchantress?

Upon defeating the Infernal Enchantress, you’ll be rewarded with a Vestige Seed, the Infernal Enchantress Flesh, the Infernal Enchantress Flail, and the Infernal Enchantress Helm.

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