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How to Beat Klaus in Dave the Diver?

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You can easily defeat Klaus in Dave the Diver with our simple tips and tricks. Find out the best weapons and strategies here in our guide.

Dave the Diver, the massive ocean exploration game has unique features and content. There are numerous quests and boss battles for Dave. He has to complete all tasks as this helps him to rake in more profits for his Bancho Sushi restaurant at night. Majority of quests can be completed during the day. Some boss battles take place in Blue Hole locations at night as well.

Klaus, the Great White Shark is a dangerous sea creature. Dave has to beat and kill Klaus for a side quest. Revenge Time quest gives you access to this quest. You have to meet an old woman named Clara to acquire this quest. Klaus, the Great White Shark spawns in Vortex. Finding Vortex is a difficult challenge and this location guide helps you to find it.

Once you get to the Vortex, you can interact with Klaus and kickstart the challenge. Vortex, the shark, killed Clara’s husband by creating a Whirlpool. Now, she seeks revenge against Klaus at the same whirlpool or Vortex location. And remember, whether you are catching a 3 Star Shark, Cookie Cutter Shark, defeating Clione Queen, the escape pod is a great thing. Here’s all about the Klaus boss battle and tips to defeat Klaus in Dave the Diver.

Tips to Defeat Klaus in Dave the Diver

Klaus is a powerful shark that also drops some precious resources and other valuable items as well. You have to use some powerful Tranquilizer weapons along with a Harpoon gun. Hush Dart, Gun, and other ranged weapons can also be used. Melee weapons don’t work well against The Great White Shark. The best tips to defeat Klaus are here.

Dave the Diver klaus
Klaus location
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Klaus attacks faster and can drain your hp in no time. It’s always better to stay on its back and attack instead of regular dodging techniques. Refill oxygen and ammo regularly to endure its attacks and stay alive during the entire battle. You can find treasure chests underwater and interact with them to open and also unlock some weapons as well.

Klaus lunges forward and will try to bite Dave. You can dodge and counterattack using a ranged weapon. It will also create a Whirlpool later and you have to stay behind its reach and keep attacking until its stunned. Go with the same strategy and dodge its attacks. The shark is venomous and spits poison at times. Keep attacking and block its dangerous attacks. Once you drain its hp, you can bring in Clara to complete her revenge against Klaus. Finally, Clara will land the final blow on Klaus and this will complete the quest as well. This quest is all about taking revenge and Clara will complete the quest at the end.

The strategy is to unleash ranged attacks and equip extra ammo and oxygen tanks as well. Complete this challenge for Clara and earn money as well. Use them to upgrade or purchase recipes for the Bancho Sushi restaurant.

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That’s everything you need to know about defeating Klaus in Dave the Diver. Follow these tips and strategies to overcome the Klaus challenge. We will come back with more interesting updates soon.

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