
How to beat Rhino in Cyberpunk 2077 – Tips and Tricks

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Want to know how to beat Cyberpunk 2077 Rhino? We have the best tips and tricks that will help you in this tough fight.

Rhino is a member of the Animals and trains at a former paint factory. She is the first fighting champion in Rancho Coronado. V is instructed to fight Rhino in order to win the title. Rhino claims to have never lost a fight and is the only opponent to fight V for free since she only wants to make a name and fight for fun. She is a highly strong opponent and can knock V out in three to four punches. So how to beat Cyberpunk 2077 Rhino? We have the best tips and tricks for this fight below. 

Fight gameplay

How to beat Cyberpunk 2077 Rhino

V’s arms become stronger than steel doors with the help of Gorilla Arms, and they are absolutely necessary for a boxing match with Rhino. Whether or not you have legendary Gorilla Arms if you want to beat her faster, you won’t have to worry about it being an unfair fight: she can still take a long time to knock down, even with Gorilla Arms. The fewer chances she has to end the battle in a few hits, the better.

You can jump to dodge

If players do not invest in body stats and do not feel comfortable going head to head with Rhino using Gorilla Arms, the Reinforced Tendons cyberware for legs will help players to jump mid-air full-on ninja style with double jumps.

Since Rhino can’t reach V while they are in the air, the double jump is an excellent advantage for them. It’s also good for players who feel uneasy with Cyberpunk 2077’s dodging, which can sometimes feel wonky and unreliable. The jump is an ideal secondary dodge strategy when players need to wait for the right moment.

Don’t corner yourself

During the fight, you’ll fight in an uncomfortable circular pit. There are spiked pillars all around the edge, and they’ll hurt you if you carelessly stumble into one. The ladders are even worse: V can get stuck on one, and Rhino can easily hit them. Keep an eye out for the edges.

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If players hit Rhino hard, they will be able to stagger her and break her guard, which will allow them to rain down punches. Getting some better Gorilla Arms with unlimited money will help with this and keep her on the defensive most of the time. Players should however back up immediately when she makes shoving motions because a massive punch follows, and to avoid it, you need to back far away from Rhino. 

Fight gameplay

Keeping her against the wall will give you enough space to step back without hitting pillars or ladders. It is best to block Rhino and counter with heavy attacks to defeat her in Cyberpunk 2077. So this is how to beat Cyberpunk 2077 Rhino. You just need to follow the tips and tricks carefully and you will win this fight.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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