
How to beat Shiva in FF7 Remake

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Looking for ways to beat FF7 Remake Shiva? This guide has everything you need in this boss fight. Follow everything carefully.

As you progress through Chapter 8 of the game, you’ll stumble upon an opportunity to participate in your first VR battle courtesy of Chadley. While Aerith is keeping herself busy at the Leaf House, you’ll have the chance to face off against Shiva, an ice-elemental summon recreated entirely in virtual reality. Chadley will unlock this VR mission for you, and you can attempt it whenever you’re ready. While it’s certainly possible to emerge victorious against Shiva using only Cloud, you may find it easier to bring along another party member to lend a hand.

Regardless of how you approach the fight, this guide will walk you through the process of defeating FF7 Remake Shiva and earning her Summon Materia. Keep reading this guide to learn how to beat this boss.


How to beat FF7 Remake Shiva

When you review Shiva’s intel screen, you’ll immediately see that she is extremely vulnerable to Fire attacks. By repeatedly using Fire attacks against FF7 Remake Shiva, you can quickly Pressure her, and even interrupt her actions. When Shiva is interrupted, she’ll emit a piercing scream and fall to the ground, giving you an opening to unleash Cloud’s Focused Thrust ability to boost her stagger gauge.

If you can continue dealing damage and successfully stagger Shiva, you can maximize your Fire spell damage output. If you’re accompanied by Tifa during the battle, you can leverage her Unbridled Strength ability to increase your stagger damage multiplier, then unleash a Triangle attack to deal devastating damage.

It’s essential to become familiar with all of Shiva’s attacks and spells so that you can accurately determine the best time to strike her with magic. Shiva has a broad range of spells that she’ll utilize to try and take you down. However, the good news is that you can preview the name of each attack she intends to use by keeping an eye out for white text with a red background that appears above her head before she casts a spell. By staying alert and monitoring her attacks, you’ll be able to execute your strategy flawlessly.

FF7 Remake Shiva can dish out some hefty damage, but once you know how to counter her, it’s all about mounting a potent offense. 

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Fire Materia

This Materia is a must-have for taking on Shiva. If you have multiple characters battling her, ensure that each of them has a Fire Materia equipped, enabling them to cast the spell. The more fire damage you inflict on Shiva, the faster her stagger gauge fills up.

Elemental Materia

As we previously explained in our guide on the best Materia for Final Fantasy 7 Remake, this blue Support Materia imbues your attacks with elemental damage when it’s in a linked slot with a Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Wind Materia. Place the Elemental Materia in a linked slot with your Fire Materia, and every physical attack you unleash will deal fire damage to Shiva.

Ifrit Summon Materia

Jessie gives you this fire-based summon at the end of Chapter 3. Ifrit is ideal for fighting Shiva since its attacks exploit her weaknesses. Although Ifrit will attack Shiva automatically, you and your party can spend your ATB Points to direct Ifrit to use more powerful fire attacks against the ice queen. Just before Ifrit’s time runs out, it’ll unleash a final move similar to Shiva’s Diamond Dust. Before Ifrit departs, it’ll cast Hellfire, dealing an unavoidable amount of fire damage to Shiva.


Magic Up and MP Up Materia

Given how frequently you’ll use Fire spells in this fight, these two purple Complete Materia will boost your magic attack power and usable MP, respectively. By equipping them, you can maintain a steady stream of fire spells against Shiva while enhancing your magic capabilities.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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