
How to beat Tamachi Explosive Adventure – Tips and Tricks

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Wondering how to beat Tamachi Explosive Adventure? Here is how you can do it easily using our tips and tricks.

Tamachi Explosive Adventure is a platformer game that has a unique adventure waiting for you. The objective of this game is to destroy all objects on each level, the catch is you have to try not to fall into the lava. There are a total of 30 levels in the game and you have to make use of your movements and jumping skills to pass through the platforms and obstacles.

Tamachi Explosive Adventure

Make sure that you plan your moves and take control of the rocker launchers to complete each level successfully. Mind your steps and do not fall into the lava.

How to beat Tamachi Explosive Adventure?

The controls of Tamachi explosive adventure are almost similar to the other platformer games. You just have to use the keys on WASD keys to wander around the map. You can use the battle to jump and decide for adults to run back and forth across the map.

Players have to destroy every block in the game before falling. You can destroy the blocks by stomping down on the TNT that is spread across the map. If you hit the side of a TNT block you will be brought back to the beginning of the level. Make sure to disappear from the blocks because you can phone into the lava.

Tips for Tamachi Explosive Adventure

You have to make it through 30 levels of Explosive chaos. As you cross each level the difficulty level of each level increases. here are some tips to keep in mind, if you are planning to get all the 30 levels right.

Plan your timing

The blocks Will disappear until you ignite the TNT. You can plan your attack at this time before The timer at the top of the screen becomes 0. Plan your part and which TNT piece you want to jump on first. Before you make You’re dumb plan your step accordingly so that you don’t miss the stack before the block disappears.

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Remember that different TNT blocks have different abilities. There are 2 different kinds of TNT in Tamachi explosive adventure. The most common kind is ready TNT. It gives you small bounces which you can use to launch on the near platform. Well, this isn’t applicable in every situation you will be at times being a situation where you need a long bounce this block will come in handy.

On some levels, you will also find yellow TNT. It is similar to that of red but it bounces you much higher. Launch 2 platforms across the map using this explosive block. Even though lets you bounce higher it can also be a deciding one day at the same time as it can take you way too far and jump entirely over the area that you are attempting to land on.

Know the blocks

Once a TNT block has exploded the blocks connected to the TNT will begin to Vaporize. This means that you can predict when and where the Last block you will be able to stand on. So you can plan your step and rotate accordingly.

Be alert

There will be new factors that will pop up as you continue to play Tamachi explosive adventure. You will find clouds that disappear after you when you jump off of them, destructive laser beams called by exploding satellite dishes, and other factors that will be new as you proceed through the game. So if you think that you can take the game lightly at different points expect any change to occur at any point of the game.

This is everything to know aboutTtamachi explosive adventure. Keep in mind all these points when you begin to play the platformer game. That’s pretty much all of the tips and tricks to remember in Tamachi’s explosive adventure. Now that you know how to play the game what are you waiting for hurry and try out the platform game now.

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