
How to become better on the field no matter the sport, easy and simple

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Sport is healthy for the soul and the body. It pushes you to become a better version of yourself constantly, and it brings you together with others that have the same passion. Becoming an athlete and good at a particular sport does not come overnight, however, there are things that you might do in order to speed up the process with easy and simple changes to your day to day life that will work no matter the sport that you have chosen to play. In this article you may find five pieces of advice that will guide you to become better and stronger on the field. It is, for example, essential that you take a break to rest your body, and during this time you can always find your way to , so that you are well entertained until you can get back on the field. 

Remember extra cardio

When you want to become better at the sport that you love, you have to make sure that you are working enough on your cardio. Cardio training will not grant you larger muscle, and it will not gain you more technique. However, it will grant you stamina so that you can go longer and faster while you are playing and this is essential in order to become better. Cardio is not something to skip, and this is no matter what sport you have chosen to play. Also it is important to remember that cardio comes in many different forms. Some might enjoy a simple run, while others want to work on their cardio in the water while swimming or through dancing. No matter your choice of cardio, it is important to be consistent in order to become better. 

Stretching is essential

Another simple thing that you might incorporate into your day is stretching. Stretching will grant you flexibility, and this will help you become a better athlete and player no matter the sport. Stretching does not have to take long. It might just be enough with 10 minutes after each training session. However, it is important as you are working out the kinks and the acid that has built up through your body during training, and you are also making sure that your body stays flexible enough in order to become more injury resistant, when you are making sharp turns during a match or a game. Stretching is away for you to become a better player and a better athlete, and you should never skip this in order to be done faster with your training. 

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Watch videos of yourself playing

Another simple and easy thing that you might do that will make you perform better and more sharply is by videotaping yourself as you are training or playing in a game. This is done in order for you to see all of the mistakes in your technique and it is done so that you might correct these before they have a serious impact on the results when it really matters. It is a good idea for you to ask a friend or a family member to record you, and it is important to remember that you do not have to do this with every training, but it might be a good idea to do this with appropriate intervals so that you can see if you are getting better. Then you are already well on your way to become a better athlete no matter your sport. 

Strengthen your muscles

As mentioned, it is important that you strengthen your cardio and that you stretch, but for most sports you also need physical strength that will make you able to do the things on the field that you need to. You can gain strength in a lot of ways but the most simple and easy way is by starting lifting weights. This is one of the most effective ways for you to target your larger muscle areas and this will make you stranger and better for when you have to give it all on the field. When you remember to work on your strength, you are making sure that you are able to perform when it matters. 

Take a restitution day

The last piece of advice that you should remember is that you should take restitution days. These are days where you do not spend time training on the field or you spend time at the gym, but where you simply let your body rest and heal. This is hard for most athletes, but it is still important to grant your body the time that iti needs in order to come back fully charged and ready to fight. If you are used to working out and training during the week it might not be necessary with more than a couple of days spread out, but if you just started a rule of thumb is that you should have a rest day every other day in order to take care of your body. 

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