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The Genshin Impact Game of the Rich quest is a multi-day challenge that takes place within the Fortress of Meropide.

Going on and completing quests is an important part of playing Genshin Impact because the game world is so big and detailed. “Game of the Rich,” which takes place in the mysterious Fortress of Meropide, is one of these interesting questlines. This guide will help you learn every part of this multi-day challenge. It has a full walkthrough and helpful tips to make sure you do well in Genshin Impact.

Quest characters
Quest characters

How to Unlock the Genshin Impact Game of the Rich Quest

To initiate the “Game of the Rich” quest, you must first gain access to the Fortress of Meropide. The simplest way to achieve this is by intentionally getting caught within the fortress. Once inside, you’ll encounter Monglane, the receptionist, who will present you with a series of questions. Successfully answering these questions will grant you access to the quest you’ve come for.

How to Obtain a Millionaire Coupon in Genshin Impact  Game of the Rich Quest

If your aim is to support the children’s team in winning the Millionaire Cup, you’ll need to outbet your opponents. The following sections will guide you through each day of the Genshin Impact Game of the Rich quest.

Day 1: Acquiring 300 Credit Coupons

The first thing you need to do is get 300 Credit Coupons. To do this, finish the first quest, “Scenes from Life: Meropide – Safe Operation,” which is in the industrial area that has been left empty. Do these things:

  • Activate the Supply Depot 1 access valve.
  • Remove the Gear Drivetrain from the northwest slot, and align the Core Gear Drive and Gear Drivetrain to face Southeast.
  • Ascend the stairs to the first floor and make your way to Supply Depot 1.
  • Install the Gear Drivetrain onto the drive valve mechanism closest to you.
  • Operate the valve using the Transfer Terminal. The gate will open once the Gear Drivetrain faces your direction.
  • Access the Supply Depot and interact with Mitul, who will provide you with 280 Credit Coupons. You’ll also find an additional 30 Credit Coupons in the nearest standard chest.

At the end of your day’s progress, meet Caterpillar in his room to report your accomplishments and prepare for the following day’s challenges.

Day 2: Earning Another 300 Credit Coupons

You can get an extra 300 Credit Coupons on the second day. In “Scenes from Life: Meropide,” your job is to finish the second quest, which is called “Dead End.” Do these things:

  • Find Galvaryet, located to the left of the dormitory block exit.
  • Interact with Galvaryet and proceed to the Erosion rift.
  • Ascend some steps and enter the tunnel. Collect 30 Credit Coupons on your way from a chest.
  • Meet Galvana and use the stairs next to her to descend and meet Clynes.
  • Assist Clynes in running the terminal. You’ll need to install a charging device in the terminal upstairs, which can be found next to the stairs.
  • Clynes will reward you with the 280 Credit Coupons needed to reach 310 on the second day.

After completing your tasks, meet Caterpillar at the usual location to update him on your progress.

Day 3: A Day of Three Quests and 840 Credit Coupons

The third day will be more challenging as you’ll have three quests to complete. However, your dedication will be rewarded with a total of 840 Credit Coupons.

  • Gain 280 Credit Coupons in the quest “Scenes from Life: Meropide – Fists of Fury” by defeating Nizami in the Rag and Bone Shop.
  • Please help December get an extra 280 Credit Coupons for the cause. To do this, finish the December job in the quest “Scenes from Life: Meropide – A Raw Deal.” Wait in line at the mailroom and mail him a letter.
  • The last 280 Credit Coupons can be obtained by completing the quest “Scenes from Life: Meropide – Treat the Symptoms.” Talk to Arderne, meet Lechlade in the industrial area, and help him find clean water.

After a productive day, meet up with Carter, Caterpillar, and Noailles in his room to talk about your success.


Day 4: The Final Push for 560 Credit Coupons

On the last day of your endeavors, you’ll face two quests that will yield a total of 560 Credit Coupons.

  • In the quest “Scenes from Life: Meropide – Chit-Chat,” engage in a conversation with Nakul, located in the south of the dormitory block. Negotiate for the room at 54,000 Credit Coupons. Regardless of the negotiation’s outcome, Nakul will reward you with 280 Credit Coupons.
  • Take the elevator to the level of the production area and look for Nelly to start the “Scenes from Life: Meropide – Unfinished Task” quest. When the quest is over, go back to the ground floor the same way you came. The goal is for you to turn off the speakers and tell Grainville the news. Nelly will give you 280 Credit Coupons for drawing a picture of the speaker.

After you finish these quests, look at the notice board in the administrative area with the other players. The kids’ team will win because of all your hard work. After the party, go see Estienne outside of the Fortress of Meropide to get your well-deserved prizes:

  • Primogem x40
  • Mystic Enhancement Ore x3
  • Mora x30,000
  • Hero’s Wit x2
  • Adventure EXP x300


In conclusion, Genshin Impact Game of the Rich quest is a satisfying journey that needs hard work and careful planning to complete. This guide has given you a full, step-by-step explanation of what you need to do each day to get the most rewards and win the game. If you carefully follow these steps, you’ll soon be a true Genshin Impact master.

Game of the Rick quest
Game of the Rick quest


How do I unlock the Genshin Impact Game of the Rich quest?

To unlock the quest, you must first gain access to the Fortress of Meropide. The easiest way to do this is by intentionally getting caught within the fortress. Once inside, you’ll encounter Monglane, the receptionist, who will present you with a series of questions. Successfully answering these questions will grant you access to the quest.

What are Credit Coupons, and why are they important in this quest?

Credit Coupons are a valuable in-game currency that can be earned by completing various tasks within the quest. They are essential for supporting the children’s team in the Millionaire Cup and earning rewards.

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