How to find ‘Arashakun in the Cave’ Genshin Impact – Complete Walkthrough


Finding ‘Arashakun in the Cave’ in Genshin Impact could be difficult a difficult quest. Here we are to help you with it with our guide.

Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact

Finding ‘Arashakun in the Cave’ in Genshin Impact in fir players has proved to be difficult in the game. This Cave is present in the quest Courage is in the Heart. Finding the Cave is the fifth step of the quest and there is no instruction in the game to tell you where the Cave is located. Thus if you are wondering what the solution is don’t worry the solution is quite simple.

The Cave is present in the starting location of the quest Courage in the Heart. Below we will guide how to get into this cave where you will find Arashakun so keep reading to find out.

How to find ‘Arashakun in the Cave’ in Genshin Impact?

 Courage in the Heart quest in Genshin Impact
Courage in the Heart quest in Genshin Impact

The Cave is in the southeast of the house which you encounter after completing the Hilichuris at the beginning of the quest. The location could be seen in the hidden and it would not be very eye catchy or highlighted as you wander around it. So look for a cave near a tree that has two torches lit under it.

Go straight ahead. Two Hilichurl Archers and Hilichurl Berserker are near the cave so you can use that as a landmark to find it and it would not be difficult. After entering inside players will hear an Aranara scream for help. You just have to proceed through the tunnel to reach an arena with a ton of water and giant mushrooms.

The area will be covered with mushrooms and it will look like a forest. The entrance would take you to the area where the Hydro Slime is.

Here your objective would be to kill the monsters besieging the Aranara. The task would state it as monsters but you will be facing a Hydro Slime. You can use any attack that is not a Hydro attack to wipe the floor with this creature. Then talk to Arashakun to read a dialog. The Furry Mask Demon King camp for the next objective is where three Hilichuris and Hilichurl Berserkers are.

They could be a little tough to defeat compared to Hydro Slime but any player with decent skills could defeat this.

Arashakun in the Cave Rewards

After defeating them go to Arashakun to finish the Courage in the Heart quest. Upon completing this you will get these rewards.

  • 30 Primogems
  • 20 Sumeru Reputation
  • EXP 20,000 Mora
  • Two Hero’s Wits

Travelers should be able to find Arashakun if they follow all these steps as mentioned in just a few minutes. The only challenge players will be posed lies at the beginning of the quest since it could be difficult to find the exact location with no hints and there have been cases of some glitches in the initial Hilichurls not spawning or the quest being located in some other location of the map. However, there are no bugs regarding Arashakun in the cave so that part could be easily cleared. If you face any of the above issues you can contact in-game support.

These are all the steps to follow in Genshin Impact to find Arashakun in the Cave. So now that you know how and where t find the cave, what are you waiting for? It’s time that you complete your quest and get Arashakun in genshin Impact.

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