How to fix ‘Failed to Replace Files’ in Genshin Impact

Are you also facing the error of ‘Failed to Replace Files’ in Genshin Impact on your PC? We got you covered on how to fix it.

The mega-popular RPG game Genshin Impact has grown to be fans’ favorite game in this category. It has a vast offer world with a wide range of characters and a world full of energy and life. The main attraction of the game is the attractive characters and each of their fight style they offer. Along with that the game also has immersive graphics that will transfer you into a completely new world completely.

genshin impact failed replace files
Genshin Impact

How to fix ‘Failed to Replace Files’ in Genshin Impact?

Many players have faced this issue at least once and it could be frustrating if this appears while you try to launch the game o your device. You don’t necessarily have to uninstall this game. Here are a few steps that you can try to fix the Failed to Replace Files error.

genshin impact failed replace files
Failed to Replace Files’ in Genshin Impact

Run launcher

  • Enter Genshin Impact Launcher in the search box of your browser.
  • To access the options right-click on the icon.
  • choose “Run as administrator”
  • To test it, restart the game and select update.

Reinstall C++ Redistribution Package

  • Enter Genshin Impact Launcher in your search bar
  • Right-click the icon and choose the Open file location option.
    Locate and launch the vc_redist.x64
    Accept the conditions in order to finish the installation process.
    the PC, restart it.

Delete file

Sometimes manually deleting the given file in the error can fix the error too. Use the path shown in the error notice to navigate to the file. Run the launcher to update it, then delete the specified file.

With these steps, you should be able to fix the Failed to Replace Files’ in Genshin Impact when you launch the game on PC. If your game still doesn’t work you can always uninstall the game and reinstall it on your PC. However, following these steps should easily give you access back to the game and your updating process would improve following this procedure.

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