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How to Get Celebrity Endorsements for Your Products

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One of the significant challenges startups and small businesses face is getting the word out about their brand to prospective clients.

Sure, social media marketing can help inform target audiences of your products and services, but your campaigns might go unnoticed with the growing trends and sea of information.

Do you know who is easily noticed on social media without breaking a sweat? A celebrity. They might be a famous athlete, actor, singer, or public figure.

According to a report by YouGov, 28% of consumers aged 18-34 say celebrity endorsements influence their purchasing decisions. 

But how do you get a celebrity to promote your product? Here are five tips on how to get celebrity endorsements for your brand.

Choose a Great Celebrity

The famous saying, “All publicity is good publicity” isn’t true. You’ll be surprised to know how many celebrity endorsements have failed due to a lack of background research on the celebrity.

Choosing a celebrity that aligns with your brand’s image and core values is vital. For instance, if you want to market your new baby blankets brand, choose a celebrity who recently became a parent.

Ensure Your Product/Service Is Appealing

Before a celebrity agrees to endorse your product, they test it to see if it’s appealing to avoid getting backlash from their followers. Most celebrities test a product before saying a word about it and will decline your endorsement request if it’s not good enough.

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Make your product or service so good that they can’t resist endorsing it. For example, if you sell cars, ensure they are of high quality to match the star’s lifestyle. You can have a premium car photo library for your marketing campaigns.

Look for the Celebrity’s Contacts

A Twitter DM or a Facebook comment is not the best way to discuss business with your target celebrity.

Instead, look for their official business contacts such as work email or phone numbers. These may be hard to come by, so talking to their management, agent, or personal assistants can help. Make sure you have a well-thought-out proposal before . They are busier than everyone else, and the first impression you make determines if you get the endorsement or not.

Freebies Work Magic

If you are just starting out and have limited marketing funds (celebrity endorsements are costly), you can give the celebrity your products or service for free. For example, if you are a makeup artist eyeing the elite community, you could offer to do makeup for a week to your target celebrity for free.

In return, the star can post photos on social media and tag you and your brand. This is an effective public relations strategy that will have other celebrities and fans knocking at your door?

Take Full Advantage of the Endorsement

If everything goes as planned and you get the celebrity to promote your product, amplify the endorsement.

You can retweet the endorsement tweet, repost their Instagram stories, and do any other thing that makes more people see the brand endorsement. You can also write a press release or mention the endorsement in your radio or TV ads.

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