
How to Unlock Maser Gun in Death Stranding

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Sam needs your help to unlock the Maser gun in Death Stranding Director’s cut. Here is a guide to help you unlock the Maser gun.

Death Stranding directors cut has added several new items to help Sam in his journey across the American land. This version of the game has added content from the PC version and has also rolled out new equipment to deal with more specific aspects of the base version of Death Stranding.

One of the newly introduced weapons added to the list is the Maser Gun. This is an electric weapon that is specially designed to take down terrorists and MULEs without killing them. You can think of it more like a teaser gun but with higher damage.

Maser Gun

Players who have already been to Kojima’s apocalyptic future would know that it is best to avoid killing any of Sam’s enemies. Thus Maser the gun is the ideal weapon for dis purpose and here is how to get hands-on with it

How to Unlock Maser Gun in Death Stranding?

Thankfully the Maser gun is not that difficult to get and Death Stranding’s gameplay guides you about how to get it.

You can find the gun when Sam reaches the distribution Centre west of Capitol Knot City. It will require him to begin the new Quest that is connected to the Director’s cut. Let’s see how to begin the Director’s cut mission in The Death Stranding.

Maser gun in Death Stranding

How to complete Director’s cut quest?

You will be given an order that is connected to the Maser gun that will be issued as order 77 in Death Stranding. It could be confusing given the fact that another order is issued at the same time which is order 9. This could mislead the players to think that they are not fully prepared to follow order 77. However, it’s not true as players can finish the section of the new mission but this mission has to be issued at the distribution Centre west of Capitol Knot city

This mission has several sections so Sam can accept order 77 without worrying about completing the entire task at the same time. This mission will be confusing for the players who have not yet completed the main story so we suggest that players first complete the main story before moving on to completing the new mission which is the Director’s cut story.

This new mission will require Sam to take these items from a terrorist spot located in the ruined factory above the Ludens Fan Shelter. Sam has to accumulate items from the terrorist post box in this area. You don’t have to worry about talking with Ludens fans as of now.

Director’s cut Mission in Death Stranding

Ludens Fan is present at the top of a large ledge in the middle of a steep incline. You should use the Ordradek to scan the area before you step out of your shelter. Sam will not have items at your disposal if you complete the Quest in the early section of the game. Keep looking for orange item labels that will help you discover the location of terrorists.

Watch out for tall grass as Sam approaches the top of the hill. This will help Sam spot the location of the Enemies in the area so that he can take cover accordingly.

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Ruined Factory

Once you reach the Ruined factory you will find a pit that looks like an entrance to the underground area where you can find the post box with the terrorist items. Here you will have to be alert from the enemies. You will find one standing in front of the post box and you may be tempted to bring him down by attacking him but he has a fellow friend of his having his back so you might want to be careful before you decide to attack him. We suggest that you first take down his fellow friend having his back and then move on to the enemy guarding the post box. Upon taking down these two gang members you can loot all the items much easier and immediately return them to the distribution Centre to complete this mission.

Remember that the keyword that you will have to use during the mission is Stealth. Sam has no weapons at this early stage in the game so he will have to use his fists and his Porter stand.

Do not pick up the cases that have been dropped by the terrorist on the way. Terrorists will drop items when they are knocked out and using them could prove to be helpful. If you use it to attack other terrorists it will result in the cases and their content being destroyed. Also, make use of Sandalwood sandals to avoid making noise while you walk.

While taking down the terrorist make sure that they are either alone or easy to take down as they are usually in pairs.

When order 77 becomes available Die Hard Man will tell some that he now has access to a firing range. In this place, Sam can practice with death strandings and unique weapons

As mentioned it’s not very complicated to get used to Maser Gun if Sam practices it first. Instead of the Projectile, The Maser Gun shoots an arc of electricity at the enemies. Due to this reason, the range of weapons is not very Idol but learning the use of these weapons is only limited to firing range.

That is everything to know about how to find the Maser Gun in Death Strangling and how to use it efficiently. This weapon would help Sam in his battle in against the terrorists in Death Strangling.

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