How to use the Archer Queen in Clash of Clans – Tips and Tricks

The Clash of Clans Archer Queen is an incredibly powerful ranged Hero. In this guide, we will explore how to unlock her, upgrade costs, and effective offensive and defensive strategies.

Clash of Clans Archer Queen is a master of destructive force. But she has a little health. She snipes targets in her territory when defending. She can summon stealth and terrifying damage when attacking. For this, she needs to unlock her Royal Cloak ability.

The Archer Queen’s range extends to 5 tiles, surpassing the regular Archer’s range of 3.5 tiles. Her Royal Cloak ability, which becomes available at higher levels, makes her a force to be reckoned with. You can upgrade the Archer Queen up to Level 80. Let’s see some of the best tips and tricks for Clash of Clans Archer Queen.

How to unlock Clash of Clans Archer Queen

To unlock the Archer Queen, you need to upgrade your Town Hall to Level 9. Once you’ve achieved this milestone, you can construct the Archer Queen altar for 10,000 Dark Elixir. Although she has lower HP, her offensive capabilities make up for it. The Archer Queen is a stronger and more powerful version of the regular Archer.

Clash of Clans Archer Queen Tips and Tricks

Royal Cloak

The Archer Queen’s ultimate ability is the Royal Cloak. It becomes unlocked at Level 5 and can be upgraded further. This ability can only be used once per battle. When activated, the Archer Queen partially heals herself, summons Archers to support her attack, and turns invisible temporarily. However, she is still susceptible to splash damage while invisible.

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The Queen Walk

The Queen Walk is a popular tactic involving the Archer Queen, especially at lower Town Hall levels. Deploy only the Archer Queen and 3-4 Healer units to provide support. The Archer Queen clears buildings and defenses for other troops. However, this strategy is most effective from Level 10 Archer Queen upwards since her lower levels have weaker health and Healers provide only 55% healing to Heroes. Beware of Air defenses and surprise Air Mines that can take out Healers from long range.

Deploy Archer Queen Behind Tankier Ground Troops

Another effective tactic is deploying the Archer Queen behind tankier ground troops such as the Barbarian King or PEKKAs. If you have the Grand Warden and Royal Champion, you can deploy all four heroes together to deliver a devastating blow to the enemy base, ensuring victory.

Use Spells

Supplement your attacks with Rage and Freeze spells. These spells can buy your Archer Queen some time to destroy powerful base defenses. It will further increase her chances of success.

Archer Queen’s Altar Placement

When defending against invaders, it’s crucial to strategically place the Archer Queen’s Altar. Position it at least three to four spaces away from the nearest wall to prevent her from jumping out and becoming targeted by melee troops.

However, be cautious when placing the Archer Queen’s Altar. Invaders often prioritize attacking her. Placing her too close to important base defenses like the Eagle Artillery or Inferno Towers can make her an easy target for just a couple of Electro Dragons.



Mastering the use of the Clash of Clans Archer Queen can significantly enhance your offensive and defensive capabilities. Unlocking her and utilizing her abilities effectively can turn the tide of battles in your favor. Remember the strategies discussed here, and unleash the power of the Archer Queen on your enemies!

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