
Is Ishowspeed Gay? Know more about his personal life

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Ishowspeed, a YouTuber well known for his controversial responses and treatment of people, has often found himself embroiled in numerous disputes and scandals. His behavior has made him the target of criticism from both fans and other content creators alike.

Ishowspeed made an outlandish claim of being Gay during a livestream in mid-September 2021, only later recanting his statements and explaining that he was angry at the time.

Claimed Sexual OrientationInformation and Context
GayIshowSpeed claimed to be gay during a livestream in mid-September 2021, but he later recanted this statement, explaining that he was angry at the time.
StraightFollowing his initial claim of being gay, IshowSpeed released a video the next day stating that he was straight, which created confusion among his fans.
BisexualThere is no information or clear confirmation regarding IshowSpeed’s sexual orientation as bisexual. His relationship status seems to indicate an interest in women.
RelationshipIshowSpeed is currently in a relationship with Ermony Renee, also known as Dream on his channel. He was previously in a relationship with another woman named Jesse, but it is unclear if this relationship still exists.

Is Darren Watkins Jr. gay?

IShowSpeed, known for his gaming and entertainment live streams on YouTube, has attracted much controversy due to his flamboyant and aggressive personality. Yet this YouTuber still managed to build an enormous fan base despite such controversy; additionally, he’s become a popular TikTok creator by earning money through sponsored posts or other activities.

Many fans have speculated about his sexual orientation since he publicly admitted being gay during a stream in September 2021; however, shortly afterward he changed his stance and claimed he was straight.

Some fans believe Speed to be gay due to his sexually provocative videos reactions towards women during live streams, and similar actions similar to those seen by gay people. Others remain skeptical and maintain he’s using sexuality simply to attract more followers – plus his privacy means it is difficult to determine his real sexuality.

Is Darren Watkins Jr. straight?

Ishowspeed is an acclaimed YouTube streamer who has amassed millions of fans. He is widely renowned for his diverse live streams, gaming videos, rap songs, and controversial statements as well as his provocative videos about Japan and sexy videos of adventures there.

Darren Watkins, better known by his online handle “Ishowspeed,” has been subjected to speculation surrounding his sexuality. Although he addressed these rumors via videos posted to his channel, many remain uncertain of his true identity.

Ishowspeed appeared to confirm his sexuality while discussing love matters with musician Ava in September 2021 in a video uploaded online.

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The next day, Ishowspeed posted a video to his YouTube channel disproving any reports that he was gay and apologized for any misunderstandings caused by his remarks. He then went on to clarify for all his fans that he is indeed straight – creating further confusion for them during such an uncertain time for all involved.

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Ishowspeed, 17, hails from Cincinnati, Ohio, and has amassed an extensive following online for his gaming and entertainment live streams. However, his behavior and statements have led to several controversies: accusations of sexually harassing women while engaging in inappropriate language are frequently made against him in his videos.

IShowSpeed seemed to confirm his sexuality during one of his streams in September 2021; however, the following day, he released a video in which he stated this was simply miscommunication and said there had been an oversight in communication.

IShowspeed is known for keeping his personal life private, though rumors swirl that he may be dating Ermony Renee (known by her username of Dream). They have reportedly been together for an extended period and often mention each other during live streams or social media posts; moreover, many pictures from their relationship have also been shared publicly via these platforms. Since their relationship is private it’s hard to know much more about their life outside.

Is Darren Watkins Jr. gay or straight?

IShowSpeed, known for his gaming videos, reaction videos, and rap songs on YouTube, has gained widespread fame thanks to his viral streams. Unfortunately, his controversial behavior has earned him many detractors as some accuse him of using sexuality for publicity and being insensitive towards LGBTQ community members.

Speed appeared to confirm his sexuality in September 2021 during a live stream, discussing love with musician Ava while emphasizing “G-A-Y”. Later, however, he released a video taking back this claim, much to the displeasure of many fans.


Speed’s sexual orientation remains unknown, although he appears to have an interest in women. Currently, he is in a relationship with Ermony Renee (aka Dream on his channel). Prior to Dream, Speed was in a relationship with another woman named Jesse which may or may not still exist today.

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