
Is Kristen Stewart dating Alicia Cargile?

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Kristen Stewart has always refrained from discussing Alicia Cargile, her partner of more than a year, in public. However, she has finally decided to open up about the same.

The circus that surrounds the Café Society actress and her ex-boyfriend (and Twilight co-star) Robert Pattinson from about 2008 to 2014 drove her to cease talking about her personal life, but she finally feels safe talking about her relationship.

Kristen Stewart dating

I think also right now I’m just really in love with my girlfriend,” she finally admitted to ELLE UK. She also acknowledged that they have split multiple times. She said, “We’ve split up and reconnected a few times, but this time I was like, Finally, I can feel again.”

The actor said that the constant media focus on her and Pattinson hurt their union. She said, “When I was dating a guy, I was hiding everything that I did because I didn’t like it when everything personal felt like it was immediately trivialized.

Is Kristen Stewart dating Alicia Cargile?

We were made into these characters and included in this absurd comic book, and I was like, that’s mine. My relationship isn’t what you’re making it out to be. I did not enjoy that.” However, Stewart admitted that since she is now dating independent visual effects producer Cargile, she doesn’t want her low-key approach to their relationship to be taken as a sign that she isn’t proud of it.

Is Kristen Stewart dating Alicia Cargile?

When I started dating a girl, it changed. I had to change how I viewed being in public because I thought, actually, to hide this provides the implication that I’m not down with it or I’m ashamed of it.” My life has been transformed, and I couldn’t be happier. Stewart has consistently declined to describe her sexuality in response to inquiries.

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Kristen Stewart dating

She predicted to Nylon last year that in three to four years, “a whole lot more people will think it’s not necessary to figure out if you’re gay or straight.” “Just do your thing,” is how it is. At the Cannes Film Festival in May, Alicia and Kristen walked together on the red carpet.

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