
Is LeBron James paying for his own blue tick Twitter? Elon Musk confirms he is paying for three celebrity blue ticks

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Let us check out who are the celebrities Elon Mush is paying for the blue ticks and what their reaction to it.

Is LeBron James paying for his own blue tick Twitter? Elon Musk confirms he is paying for three celebrity blue ticks 3

Twitter Removes Blue Ticks for Some Accounts

According to recent news reports, Twitter has removed blue ticks or verified badges from some accounts that were previously verified. This is because Twitter has updated its verification policy, and some accounts no longer meet the new verification criteria. Twitter has stated that it is removing blue ticks from accounts that have been inactive or incomplete for the past six months or more. This means that if an account has not been active or has incomplete information, Twitter will remove its blue tick.

Twitter has also stated that it will remove blue ticks from accounts that violate its policies, such as those that engage in hate speech or harassment. Twitter has said that it will take action against accounts that violate its policies, and the removal of blue ticks is one of the ways in which it will do so.

Elon Musk paying for three celebrity blue ticks

In a surprising move, Elon Musk has paid for three high-profile celebrities to write about his decision to pay for blue verification ticks for Twitter users. Stephen King, the renowned author, LeBron James, the basketball superstar, and a yet-to-be-announced third celebrity have all taken to social media to voice their thoughts on Musk’s controversial move.

Stephen King, a longtime Twitter user and verified account holder, praised Musk’s decision, saying, “I’ve been on Twitter for years, and I know firsthand how important verification is. It helps prevent impersonation and ensures that users can trust the information they see on the platform. I commend Elon Musk for stepping up and paying for blue ticks for users who might not be able to afford it otherwise.

LeBron James, who has also been a vocal presence on Twitter, echoed King’s sentiments, saying, “Verification on Twitter is crucial, especially for public figures like myself. It’s a way for fans to know that the person they’re interacting with is who they say they are. I applaud Elon Musk for recognizing this and putting his money where his mouth is.”

William Shatner, the actor, had his blue tick removed by Twitter earlier this year, but he has since regained it after Musk’s offer. Shatner expressed his gratitude, saying, “Thanks to Elon Musk, I have my checkmark back. It’s a badge of honor that I wear with pride.”

Musk himself later confirmed on Twitter that he had personally paid for blue ticks for Stephen King, LeBron James, and William Shatner, among others. The move has sparked a debate about the value and significance of verification on social media platforms, and whether it should be something that users have to pay for or not.

Hollywood’s reaction over Blue Tick Removal

The article from People reports on the reactions of some Hollywood celebrities who have recently lost their blue tick verification on Twitter.

According to the article, celebrities such as Julianne Moore, Naomi Watts, and Jessica Chastain have lost their “blue tick” verification on Twitter due to the platform’s updated criteria for verification. The article notes that losing the “blue tick” verification can be a setback for celebrities and public figures who rely on social media to connect with their fans and promote their work.

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The article also includes reactions from some celebrities on social media. Actress Jessica Chastain tweeted, “Goodbye blue check.” Hello, accountability.” Director Ava DuVernay tweeted, “Never needed a blue checkmark to speak truth to power.” “If Twitter’s for verifying authenticity, that should be enough.” These tweets suggest that while losing the blue tick verification may be a setback, it does not diminish the impact or influence of these celebrities on social media.. 

Stephen King tweeted about his confusion over his account showing that he had subscribed to Twitter Blue and given a phone number, even though he had not. In response, Elon Musk tweeted, “You’re welcome namaste” with a folding hand emoji.

How to Get Verified on Twitter

Twitter has a tight verification requirement, making it difficult to become verified there. Accounts belonging to public figures, celebrities, politicians, and journalists are among those that Twitter confirms as being in the public interest. Users must fulfil specific requirements in order to be verified. For instance, the user’s account needs to be active, have a header image, bio, and profile photo, and have been active for at least six months. 

The account must have a confirmed email address and phone number, and it must not have violated any Twitter policies, such as those that prohibit hate speech or harassment. The account must also have a significant following and a high engagement rate.

A person can submit a verification request form on Twitter to request verification if they meet these criteria. The form requires users to provide their personal information, a government-issued ID card or passport as proof of identity, and connections to their websites or other social media profiles.

Following submission, Twitter will consider the request and inform users of its decision. Users will see a blue checkmark or verified badge on their Twitter profile if the application is approved.

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Dinesh Kanakaraj

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