Is NBA star Dwight Howard gay? Debunking the rumours about his sexuality

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All you should know about NBA star Dwight Howard’s sexuality and whether he is gay or not

Dwight Howard, born on December 8, 1985, is an American professional basketball player who plays for the Taoyuan Leopards of the T1 league.

Dwight Howard comes from an athletic background, and his father was a Georgia State Trooper and the athletic director at the Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy.

His mother was also a player and played women’s basketball at Morris Brown College. Dwight was a great player, and during the course of his schooling, he won multiple awards, such as the Naismith Prep Player of the Year Award, the Morgan Wotten High School Player of the Year Award, and the Gatorade National Player of the Year Award.

He started his career with the NBA and was an eight-time All-Star, an eight-time All-Team honoree, and a three-time defensive player. Howard has a net worth of $160million. Now, let us take a deep dive into his sexuality and whether there is any truth to his being gay.

Is NBA star Dwight Howard gay?

Dwight Howard has been catching a lot of attention in regards to his sexual orientation. However, is there any truth to the rumors? Dwight Howard states that he is not gay.

He spoke to Fox Sports’ Kristine Leahy and stated that he went through a situation last year that set him free, and he stated how people were talking about him and he did not even know who the person was.

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He spoke about the struggle of people who are gay and who are not coming out, and how what society says and its opinion bother people.

This instance of being falsely accused brought light to many aspects. Howard confided that he was not gay. Dwight Howard also stated that he was not gay in 2019, but his numerous sexual encounters with men have left fans speculating whether or not he is gay.


He was charged on multiple occasions, and he was accused by Masin Elije of cheating on him while they were in a relationship and of how he left him for cheating.

He stated how Howard was hurt by the accusations made at first. Dwight has not made any confirmations about his sexuality, but in 2019, he denied his sexuality in an interview.

Dwight is currently facing a lawsuit in which he is accused of sexual assault. but he clearly declines the charges in his defense.

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Ishita Sharma

I enjoy writing, curating content, learning about psychology, discovering new interests, and much more.

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