Home » esports » Konsuba Fantastic Days tier list and Reroll Guide January 2022

Enjoy the world of Konsuba Fantastic Days in this beautiful RPG gacha game. Here is our Konsuba Fantastic Days Tier List and Reroll guide to help you get an early headstart in the game.

KonoSuba Fantastic Days is a new Nexon gacha RPG based on the namesake manga and anime series, in which a young man meets an untimely death and is reincarnated in an MMORPG world where he must wander the territories to free them of the evil Devil King. The mechanics of the game are similar to those of many other games in the genre. In order to overcome even tougher tasks, later on, players will accomplish missions, farm resources, unlock powerful characters, and upgrade their teams.

Konsuba Fantastic Days Tier List

TierKonsuba Fantastic Days Character
SMelissa (Dark), Amy (Wind), Iris (Light), Erika (Fire), Erika (Thunder)
AMegumin (Fire), Cielo (Wind), Cielo (Thunder), Chris (Wind), Chris (Fire), Dust (Thunder), Arue (Dark/ Light)
BKazuma (Light), Mitsurugi (Earth), Iris (Thunder), Dust (Water), Arue (Dark), Amy (Earth), Mia (Wind/ Earth)
CWiz (Water/ Dark), Rin (Wind), Mia (Earth), Megumin (Fire/ Dark), Mitsurugi (Thunder), Aqua (Light/ Water)
DAqua (Light), Wiz (Water), Lia (Water), Cecily (Earth), Rin (Wind/ Water), Darkness, Kazuma (Water), Darkness, Cecily (Light)
Melissa in Konsuba Fantastic Days

Our Konsuba Fantastic Tier List is divided into 5 categories – S, A, B, C, D. Each tier represents the strength of the characters in the game. You can further find the specific speciality of each character in this Konsuba Fantastic Tier List.

S Tier Characters

CharacterRoleElementRatingMember CardSpeciality
MelissaAttacker (Physical)Dark9.8Melissa – Treasure HuntEssential physical defense debuffer for physical parties. Extremely powerful single target physical attacker. High agility and has speed self buff, therefore quick to use skills and frequent use of ultimate skill
AmySupportWind9.7Amy – The Happy Maid ExperienceGood support for magic teams due to AoE magic attack buffs on skill 2 and her ult. Great healer with two healing skills
IrisAttacker (Physical)Light9.6Iris- Princess’s Day OffStrongest physical attacker. AoE attack + physical attack buff skill is powerful. Particularly strong against bosses, due to the combination of high stats and a strong single target skill with a relatively short charge time
ErikaAttacker (Physical)Fire9.6Erika – Dancing AdventurerExcellent support for physical attack parties. High crit rate allows for high damage output, despite low attack stat. Gets even better with a dagger that improves agility
ErikaSupporterThunder9.6Erika – Axel HeartsPhysical attacker with two skills that has physical attack buffsGood against bosses that are susceptible to bind
megumin Konsuba Fantastic Day
Megumin in Konsuba Fantastic Day

A Tier Characters

CharacterMain roleElementRatingMember cardSpeciality
MeguminAttacker (Magic)Fire9.5Megumin – Nice Explosion!!Suitable for arenaFire magic attacker with a magic attack self buffNormal attack is non-elemental and a physical attack, which does not suit her stats/skill set
CieloSupportWind9.5Cielo – Dancer AdventurerPowerful ultimate skill that does a large AoE heal, physical attack and magic attack buffCan prove to be particularly good against physical enemies with high defense, an AoE physical defense buff and 2 heal skills
CieloSupporterThunder9.5Cielo – Axel HeartsHas access to valuable speed buffCan function as both a good buffer and healer
ChrisAttacker (Physical)Wind9.5Chris – Thief Flying Through the AirHas rare and valuable AoE speed debuff skillHigh agility debufferShort skill charging times & high damage multipliers for a debuffer
ChrisAttacker (physical)Fire9.5Chris – Burglar MaidHas an ultimate attack that greatly debuffs speed on all enemiesCan improve damage output with medium physical defense debuffHas the highest agility stat in the game and will be attacking very frequently
DustAttacker (Physical)Thunder9.4Dust – Delinquent AdventurerExcellent attacker with physical defense debuffHas rare and valuable AoE speed debuff skillStrong non-elemental AoE ultimate skill is universally well suited for grinding levels
ArueAttacker (Magic)Dark / Light9.4Arue – Novelist And Capable ActorStrong magic attackerCan support magic teams against a single enemy with a single target magic defense debuffCan buff light and dark attacks with her trait
Yunyun in Konsuba Fantastic Day

B Tier Characters

CharacterMain roleElementRatingMember cardSpeciality
KazumaPhysical AttackerLight9.3Kazuma – Small Theater HeroGreat combination of speed buff and physical defense debuff
YunyunAttacker (Magic)Light9.2Yunyun – Megumin’s FriendStrong light magic attacker with high skill multipliersSingle target attack + AoE magic attack buff skill is powerful
MitsurugiAttacker (physical)Earth9.2Mitsurugi – Good Boy DealerStrong earth element attacker with high skill multipliersHas an attack that can cure blindUltimate attack has a big buff to physical defense
IrisAttacker (physical)Thunder9.2Iris – First Time in a CasinoCan be the main attacker in a boss battleHas a skill that can do a small AoE heal, which could be just enough to not need a dedicated healerIs also great as a sub member with her lightning attack buff trait
DustAttacker (Physical)Water9.2Dust – Protagonist of Snowy MountainHas valuable speed debuff skillStrong water element attacker with high skill multipliersStrong non-elemental AoE ultimate skill is universally well suited for grinding levels
ArueAttacker (Magic)Dark9.2Arue – Most Voluptuous Amongst the Crimson DemonsStrong dark element magic attacker with high skill multipliersCan support magic teams against a single enemy with a single target magic defense debuffWould greatly benefit from having a buffer in the same team
AmySupporterEarth9.1Amy – Cheer UpSpecializes on healingHas AoE buff on magic defenseGood as a sub member for healers
MiaAttacker (Physical)Wind / Earth9Mia – Boisterous New MaidHas trait that buffs both earth and wind attacks, which are nice for her as a main, but is also more widely usable as subIs capable of buffing both physical attack (self only) and defense (AoE)
wiz Konsuba Fantastic Day
Wiz in Konsuba Fantastic Day

C Tier Characters

CharacterMain roleElementRatingMember cardSpeciality
WizAttacker (magic)Water / Dark8.9Wiz – Sound AsleepHighest magic attack stat and high damage multipliers on skillsHigh survivability due to high defense stats and self heal on regular attackMost healing skills will damage Wiz with the notable exception of Kazuma’s double drain touchUltimate skill not buffed by trait
RinAttacker (Magical)Wind8.9Rin – Orthodox SorcererStrong debufferSkills have short charge times
MiaAttacker (Physical)Earth8.9Mia – Mischievous Beast GirlEarth element physical attackerHas AoE buff on both physical and magic defense
MeguminAttacker (Magic)Fire / Dark8.9Megumin – Pajama PartyDark magic attacker with a magic defense debuffSuitable for arenaNormal attack is non-elemental and a physical attack, which does not suit her stats/skill set
MitsurugiAttacker (Physical)Thunder8.8Mitsurugi – Chosen HeroPowerful lightning element attacker with high multipliers on skillsCapable of both attacking and supporting
AquaAttacker (Physical)Light / Water8.7Aqua – Nature’s BeautyA physical attacker capable of healingSupports physical attack parties with AoE physical attack buffIs particularly useful in boss battles with single target ultimate skill
Aqua in Konsuba Fantastic Day

D Tier Characters

CharacterMain roleElementRatingMember cardSpeciality
AquaAttacker (Physical)Light8.7Aqua – A Toast to the Capital of Water and HotspringsHas one of the strongest AoE attacks in the game, well suited for grinding questsLight element attacker with HP and poison recovery skillHas no buff/debuff skills
WizAttacker (Magic)Water8.6Wiz – Ice WitchMagic attacker with top class defense statsSingle target attack + AoE magic attack buff skill is powerfulMost healing skills will damage Wiz with the notable exception of Kazuma’s double drain touch
LiaTankWater8.6Lia – Dancer AdventurerCapable of AoE healing blindCan provoke enemy attacksLia’s ultimate attack is the only skill held by a 4★ member card that can increase the ultimate attack gauge.
CecilySupportEarth8.6Cecily – Bunny Girl PropagandaHas a high chance of binding the enemyGreat support for magic teams due to AoE magic defense debuff on ultimate attack
RinAttacker (Magic)Wind / Water8.5Rin – Sparkling Snowy LandscapeVery suitable as a sub member with a trait that buffs magic attackHas AoE magic debuff skillElements of skills and ultimate skill clash
KazumaAttacker (Mixed)Water8.5Kazuma – Reincarnated HikikomoriCapable of both physical and magic attacksPowerful ultimate skill that can also AoE healVery few additional effects on skills
DarknessTankNone8.5Darkness – Overflowing With DelightStereotypical tank with high endurance and capable of attracting enemies’ attacksDon’t expect her to do damage due to her low accuracy rate
DarknessTankNone8.5Darkness – Get Out of the Hotsprings Before You Faint!Tank specialized in dark element resistanceDon’t expect her to do damage due to her low accuracy rate
CecilySupportLight8.5Cecily – Lover of Beautiful GirlsCapable of keeping party alive due to healing skillGreat support for magic teams due to AoE magic defense debuff on ultimate attackCapable of AoE bind

It’s vital to remember that the accuracy of tier lists might vary depending on the player’s playstyle. Rather than being tied to a certain tactic, it should reflect the greatest characters to deploy in general. Make careful to try a few different combinations to find the one that works best for you. This was our Konsuba Fantastic Days Tier List

cecily Konsuba Fantastic Day
Cecily in Konsuba Fantastic Day

Konsuba Fantastic Days Reroll Guide

Since Konsuba Fantastic Days is a gacha game, the characters that you get at the start of the game will dictate your entire gameplay process. It is possible to get an early start on the game if you reroll the characters that you get. The process of rerolling is pretty simple. You just need patience and time.

  • DO NOT connect the game to one of your social media accounts when you first start it.
  • After completing the tutorial, you will be able to summon a character.
  • If you like the character, continue; otherwise, exit the game.
  • Go to the Android settings menu and select the storage option.
  • Click on Konosuba under the storage menu, then on apps.
  • After selecting Konosuba, select “clear data” and then “ok.”
  • When you reopen Konosuba Fantastic Days, the game will start over from the beginning.
  • Go over the tutorial again, and if you still don’t have the character you desire, keep going through the steps.

This was our Konsuba Fantastic Days Reroll Guide. You can use this process to try and get the best characters that you want.

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