League of Legends Urf Tier List March 2024 – Best Champions You Need

Want to dominate the League of Legends URF game mode? Find the top-tier champions from this URF tier list.

League of Legends is a moba from Riot Games. Here, players play as champions from different regions and use their abilities to win battles. League of Legends features PvP and ranked modes and a plethora of maps. With frequent updates, Riot Games bring in new changes to the game. The latest patch update in League of Legends has added the fans’ favorite game mode, Ultra Rapid Fire.

Ultra Rapid Fire game mode is exclusive to Summoner’s Rift mode and champions get many exclusive benefits as well. With the Lunar Revel event, the URF mode has been added as well. The URF mode grants unlimited mana and other resources. The 5v5 URF grants 80% CDR and 80% cooldown as well.  With so many changes, winning the URF mode is difficult. Here’s the League of Legends URF tier list with all meta units ranked.

League of Legends URF Tier List

The best thing about the League of Legends URF mode is champions can use abilities and spells infinite times without spending resources. To win in LoL URF mode, you have to deploy the strongest champions. Here’s an overview of each tier,

  • S Tier – S tier includes the strongest champions for the URF mode. These units have the best skills, runes and winning rate 
  • A Tier – A Tier has the best offensive champions for the URF mode. With the best passive skills, you can win the battle.
  • B Tier – These champions are not great and weak at the same time. For the URF mode, you can pick champions that have the best special skills and runes
  • C Tier – Champions from this tier are not recommended for the URF battle
Tier Champions 
SShen, Kayle, Volibear, Sivir, Vladimir, Shaco, Janna, Garen, Teemo 
Jarvan IV, Tristana, Annie, Nami, Kai’Sa, Zed, Vayne
BLulu, Singed, Smolder,Yone, Aatrox, Swain
CK’Sante, Anivia, Yuumi, Kha’Zix

3 Best Champions for League of Legends URF

League of legends urf tier list

Winning URF battles in League of Legends is only possible with the best champions in your squad. Here are the top 3 attackers to use for URF mode battles,


Shen has always been one of the top contenders for URF mode battles. With high success ratio, Shen is the first pick for League of Legends URF mode 2024. Here are the best skills and runes for Shen,

  • Demolish – The rune launches powerful charged attacks in long range
  • Triumph – Utilize the takedown against any target and get instant hp boost. This rune also grants 20 additional gold coins
  • Shadow Dash – The passive skill taunts enemies and dashes them and recovers energy for self


Janna is a strong mage and her skills let her fly and pierce through targets. She can be the best supporter for the URF battles. The best build for Janna are,

  • Howling Grade – Summons a whirlwind and boosts damage in long-range.
  • Dark Harvest – Deals magic damage and increases basic attacks against champions that have low energy and hp
  • Zephyr – Basic Attack grants additional damage. This legendary item boosts mobility, tenacity, attack speed and ability haste.


The marksman is another excellent pick for the URF mode challenges. Kaisa excels in ranged battles and specializes in magical damage 

  • Killer Instinct This grants shield and damage bonus while attacking enemies with a plasma
  • Innate – Caustic Wounds – Plasma stacks applied by basic attacks will deal increased DMG. This skill grants a bonus magic damage boost as well
  • Inspiration Rune – Using this rune with a tool applies freeze effects and reduces the mobility for enemies

With the League of Legends 14.5 patch update version, players can join the URF mode battles on Summoner’s Rift map. The tier list includes the best meta champions for this mode. Win challenges with your squad and increase the rank levels for your champions.


What’s a League of Legends URF Tier List?

Urf is a fast-paced game mode in League of Legends. This mode doesn’t have restrictions and champions can use abilities and powers without spending resources. The tier list features units with higher winning rate and it also helps you to pick the strongest meta champions to win the battle.

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