Home » Opinions » 4 Lessons Pro Sports Teams Can Teach Entrepreneurs

It’s common to hear sporting analogy used in the business environment to refer to various concepts. For instance, you’ll hardly go a day without hearing the terms “team” and “player” at your workplace.

There’s a strong relationship between sports and business. Some successful companies have drawn a lot of inspiration from sports teams. Here are five lessons professional sports teams can teach entrepreneurs.

1.   Losing is Normal

Success is not permanent or guaranteed, even for the best teams. Between 2014 and 2019, Golden State Warriors featured in five finals consecutively before some of its players suffered multiple injuries towards the end of the 2019 season. The team missed its first playoffs in nine years in 2020. This happened after it lost one of its best forwards—Kevin Durant.

Entrepreneurs must also realize that even the most stable businesses can stumble at some point. Unpredictable events like the Covid-19 pandemic can occur and wreak havoc on operations, leaving you with losses. There’s no need to panic during such times. Come up with strategies to help you overcome the challenges and bounce back.

2.   You Need a Playbook

A playbook contains all the strategies followed by all team members. It is a guide that helps team members to work towards the same goals. From time to time, the coach may decide to amend the rules in the playbook to improve results.

Entrepreneurs should copy this tactic. Instead of a playbook, they should rely on great business strategies to succeed. They should also be willing to change the strategies for continuous improvement.

I Need Cash Now, a company that issues to small businesses, says that any company that wants to succeed must be agile, forward-thinking, and have great goals–just like a winning sports team. They made some dramatic changes to their business initiatives once the pandemic hit, resulting in significant growth at a time when other businesses folded.

3.   Employees Have Different Strengths

A winning sports team has different people with different skill sets. For example, a football team has strikers, midfielders, defenders, and other players. One player can’t take the position of the other unless they want to lose the game.

Entrepreneurs must realize that they can’t do everything on their own. A diverse team can help you to achieve what you can’t by yourself. Hire experts in different fields–accounting , marketing, HR–and allow them to concentrate on what they do best.

4.   Celebrate Achievements

After a sports team wins, its fans cheer and applaud. It’s also become common to see a player being hugged by teammates after they score. Top sports teams understand teamwork and celebrate achievements together. Recognizing and celebrating achievements is a powerful motivator for individuals and teams. It makes team members feel that they have been rewarded for all their hard work.

Entrepreneurs should not hold back when they achieve something alone or as a team. Celebrating whenever an employee or the company achieves a goal is a key part of creating a motivating work environment.

When a company has a strong culture of praise, it boosts engagement, teamwork, confidence, and resilience to challenges. When you acknowledge what you’re good at, you become more confident and continue doing it–or perfect it.

About The Author:

AqibIjaz is a digital marketing guru at Eyes on Solution. He is adept in IT as well. He loves to write on different topics. In his free time, he likes to travel and explore different parts of the world.