Home » esports » Lords of the Fallen: How to Invade and Fight Other Players

Lords of the Fallen invade allows you to challenge and disrupt other players’ progress in the game. It’s a way to engage in Player versus Player (PvP) combat

Lords of the Fallen’s challenging world is full of exciting things to do, like calling on allies and fighting off enemy invasions. If you want to stop other players from moving through the maze-like levels, you should join them. This Lords of the Fallen invade guide will teach you everything you need to know to enter other players’ areas and fight them in Player versus Player (PvP).

Invading is not easy
Invading is not easy

Lords of the Fallen Invade Players Guide

Invading other players in Lords of the Fallen can be a thrilling experience, and it’s surprisingly straightforward. To get started, follow these steps:

  • Connect to the Internet: Ensure you’re connected to the Internet and are playing the game online. This is a prerequisite for engaging in multiplayer activities.
  • Access the Vestige: In the game, interact with a Vestige, a crucial element in the multiplayer aspect of Lords of the Fallen.
  • Choose Multiplayer: Within the Vestige, you will find the Multiplayer option. Select it to initiate the invasion process.
  • Slaughter Lampbearer: Once you’ve chosen Multiplayer, pick “Slaughter Lampbearer.” Now, the game will start looking for a person to attack. Most likely, you will be paired with a person of the same level as you. The game looks for people in all zones, not just the one you’re in at the moment. Keep in mind that PvP is completely turned off in some places, though the developers don’t say exactly where this is.
  • Wait for a Match: You don’t have to stay in the Vestige while the game is looking for a player to attack. You are free to look around and keep moving forward in this level. Most of the time, the process of matching people is quick. For example, it might take 30 seconds to a minute for a level 50 character to find a good player. At lower character levels, it might be even faster.
Invade and kill players
Invade and kill players

How Invasions Work in Lords of the Fallen

Now that you understand how to initiate invasions, it’s crucial to know what happens when you get invaded and how to defend yourself:

  • Invasion Zones: In Lords of the Fallen, you can be invaded at any time, but invasions only occur in specific zones. When you’re invaded, and you don’t have a co-op partner with you, the game activates the Crimson Ritual to find a friendly player who can defend you. If you already have an ally, the ritual won’t trigger.
  • Rewards for Victors: You will be given a Severed Hand when you beat the player who attacked your world. At the Shrine of Adyr in Fitzroy’s Gorge, you can trade these valuable things for unique armor tinctures and armor pieces that will make your character stronger.
  • Increasing Invasion Chances: If you want to open yourself up to more invasions, consider using Charred Fingers. This item increases the likelihood of being invaded for a limited time. You can purchase Charred Fingers in unlimited supply from specific NPCs.
  • Avoiding Conflict: On the other hand, if you’d rather play games in peace, you can temporarily stop attacks with Mirrors of Protection. You can also buy these from any NPC, like Stomund in Skybridge Hold, an endless number of times.


In the end, Lords of the Fallen has a thrilling online mode that makes the game more interesting and fun. People who like the task of PvP combat need to know about the Lords of the Fallen invade process of other players and what to do when you are invaded. Now that you’ve read this whole guide, you can make the most of your multiplayer adventures in this interesting and difficult game world.

Vestige of Chabui
Vestige of Chabui


How do I initiate an invasion in Lords of the Fallen?

Lords of the Fallen invade process for another player works with interacting with a Vestige and select the Multiplayer option. Choose “Slaughter Lampbearer,” and the game will start searching for a suitable player to invade.

How can I increase my chances of being invaded or finding other players to invade?

To increase your chances of being invaded, you can use Charred Fingers. This item makes it more likely for you to be invaded for a limited time. It can be purchased in unlimited supply from specific NPCs.

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