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Here is everything revealed in the Lost Ark April and May roadmap including two new characters Glaiver and Destroyer

Since its launch, Lost Ark has become the latest MMORPG to take over Steam, and unlike other games that have been released in the last year, Lost Ark has maintained a consistent player base. It’s even been lauded by streamers with a lot of MMO experience, such as Asmongold and shroud. And now Amazon and Smilegate have just announced their plans for Lost Ark’s immediate future. April and May will bring plenty of new features, including improved quality of life, new character classes, and even a brand-new continent.

Both classes are already accessible in the Korean version of Lost Ark, which is slightly ahead of the rest of the world, but that simply means these classes will be properly balanced by the time they debut in the North American and European versions of Lost Ark.

Glaiver in Lost Ark
Glaiver in Lost Ark

New Classes in Lost Ark

The two new classes that will be released are – Glaiver and Destroyer

Glaiver in Lost Ark

Glaivier, a new Martial Artist class, will be available to players in April. She will be the group’s fifth advanced class, and her skill set will provide players with two distinct playstyles. She also comes with two special weapons: a spear and a glaive. Players will be able to fine-tune the character to fit their playstyles.

Destroyer in Lost Ark

The Destroyer is a tanky class that uses a powerful hammer to inflict damage to enemies. The idea is to charge into battle and crush your opponents with a combination of slows, launches, pushes, and pulls. Since its debut, the Warrior class has held a strong position, and with Destroyer, that position is expected to grow even more.

Destroyer in Lost Ark
Destroyer in Lost Ark

South Vern

South Vern, a barren land until settlers utilized borrowed technology to make it green, is also a new continent for questing in the April update. To travel to South Vern, you must have item level 1340. There will also be more in-game events and skins, as well as a new way to level up a new character.

Trial Guardian Raids

Every week, players will have the opportunity to take on three Trial Guardians, each with a different item level needed to enter. One will be rotated out and replaced once a week. The ‘Scale of Harmony’ is used in Trials Guardian Raids, allowing players’ character item levels to match their enemies’. A higher level of difficulty equals a higher level of reward.

Deskaluda, a ‘tentative’ new Guardian Raid, is also in the works. The new Guardian will be one of the most powerful, and entry will need item level 1415. You can try to solo the Guardian, go with a party, or use the matchmaking system to play it, just like the others.

Legion Raid

Valtan, the first Legion Raid, is also on his way to Lost Ark. It is defined by Smilegate RPG as an exceptionally challenging eight-player raid that takes a great deal of coordination and planning to overcome. It also has checkpoints that save a player’s progress throughout the raid to make things easier. To even have a chance of completing it, players must have an item level greater than 1415.

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