
Metal: Hellsinger Guide – Tips and Tricks

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The Metal Hellsinger Guide will give you some of the best tips and tricks that will help you to improve your gameplay and become the best.

The rhythm-based first-person shooter Metal: Hellsinger rewards you for firing in time with the music. The more in sync you are with the beat, the more intense the music will be, leading to more destruction. In this game, you will use skull-clad blades or murderous guns to defeat the demon hordes. Each weapon will have its own ultimate ability. 

Make them fear the beat as you slay to the beat of metal and vengeance. However, in order to do that, you will need the Metal Hellsinger guide that has some of the best tips and tricks to help you out in the game.

Metal Hellsinger guide: Paz

The second weapon you acquire is Paz, which is always available to you. Paz fires a single ball of flame every time you press a button, but it does not do much damage at base Fury. Paz offers more support than damage. Only Paz can maintain your Fury meter without landing attacks, so you won’t lose Fury during level transitions.

Metal Hellsinger guide: Torments

When you beat the three Torments at their highest level, you will unlock or upgrade Sigils. There are two Sigils you can equip when loading into a level, and they grant passive buffs that are always active. Some add damage or base Fury, while others like Streak Guardian allow you to maintain your hit streak despite taking a few hits.

Do not waste Power-ups

The battlefields of Metal: Hellsinger is littered with various power-ups such as health crystals and combo boosters. When entering a new location, you should locate all of them — but don’t activate them until necessary. When you are about to fall below a lower combo tier, you should activate a combo booster, and plenty of enemies can help you rack up points. Given that the last wave of enemies is sometimes the most difficult to defeat, health crystals are most effective when utilized later in the battle.

Do not stop

If you time your dash to the beat, you can endlessly dash around the arena. Taking advantage of the Unknown’s maneuverability is one of its greatest strengths. As enemies chase you faster, you’ll spend most fights backpedaling and circling enemies as you deal damage. Make sure to move and dodge the entire fight, and keep shooting in order to sustain your Fury.

Metal Hellsinger gameplay

Use your jumping skill

The main character is quite agile, so don’t forget to focus on staying on beat and slaying demons. Aside from their double jump, they can also do a series of midair dashes that allow them to cover a lot of ground quickly. Jumping and dodging also help you avoid some of the pesky projectiles. Jumping and dodging are also easy ways to be safe if you are threatened by a group of enemies.

Master your combos

With Hellsinger, you can unlock a variety of combos simply by entering the right movement or attack combination. Getting the Combos can range in difficulty, as some of them can be unlocked by pressing the dash key three times for a Triple Dash and others are more challenging. One of the best ways to unlock Combos is to use all of your movement tools at the same time. You will frequently be rewarded with unlocking a Combo if you dash, soar, and jump past enemies to evade their attacks.

Ultimates are important

It is possible to perform a deadly Ultimate attack with each weapon in your inventory. It takes time to fill your Ultimate gauge, and there’s nothing worse than wasting it on just a few easy enemies. These skills build up over time by slaying enemies, so keep them until they’re needed. Rather than wasting them all, fill them all up and be ready for the last boss or a large wave of enemies.

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Metal Hellsinger gameplay

Quick reload is the key

As a way to defeat the Judges of Hell, Quick Reload is your most crucial ability. In Quick Reload, your character can drastically shorten the amount of time it takes them to reload their weapon. 

The quick reload works similarly to Gears of War’s active reload in that you need to press the reload button at the exact same time as the yellow arrows indicate the beat in your beat-lane on either side of the crosshair in order to succeed. If done successfully, the reload animation will be cut short, and you can quickly continue killing demons.

Slaughter timings

In order to master combat and utilize Slaughters effectively, you need to be able to consistently knock enemies into staggers. A basic Cambion gunner will be put into a stagger state with two perfect shots from the Hounds pistol on the standard level of difficulty. Terminus swords let you finish off Marionette foes with perfect slices.

In some later Torments in the game, this knowledge is imperative to racking up the Slaughter kills as quickly as they demand. Once you learn these timings, you’ll be able to heal quickly and jump around the arena as needed.

Different enemies

You may find some enemies more annoying than others. Some carry shields and block your attacks, while others fire projectiles that destroy your health. In order to survive, you should attack your most powerful enemies first and only target other enemies if they get into your personal space. It’s important to watch out for ranged attackers too, although you usually can avoid them with careful positioning.

Metal Hellsinger

So this was the Metal Hellsinger guide. Follow the tips and tricks carefully and become the best.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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