Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! – All cheat codes and secrets (2025)

Mike Tyson was the star on the cover of the old Punch out games and here are all the cheat codes and secrets

Punch-Out!! is a boxing sports fighting video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in the year 1987. It became an instant hit when it was released. It is still ranked as the 6th best NES game of all time. 

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Game Poster (imdb)

Punch-Out was released in the United States as Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! There is a very interesting story about how Mike Tyson’s name was used for the game. Nintendo America’s founder and president Arakawa attended Mike Tyson’s boxing match. He was so amazed by the athlete’s “power and skill” that he decided that they should use his name in the game. 

It is rumoured that Mike Tyson was paid $50,000 for a three years contract. This would turn out to be a great deal for Nintendo. As Mike Tyson defeated Trevor Berbick and won the World Boxing Council heavyweight championship the profits of the game skyrocketed. After the contract expired, Nintendo decided not to renew it as the game had gained a sufficient fan following.

Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! Cheats For NES

Get Back Up With Extra Health

When knocked down, you can press A and B repeatedly to try and get back up. Normally when you do this, you’ll only have some of your health. However, if you do this so that you get up when the referee’s count is at a certain number, you’ll instead get back up with more health!

In the Minor Circuit, get up on an even number. You get extra (but not all) your health.

In the Major Circuit, get up on 7, 8, or 9. You get extra health, or full health if you fight King Hippo.

In the World Circuit, get up on 9. You get extra health, or full health on Mr Sandman and Mr Macho Man. (If you get up on 8 though, you actually get less, so beware!)

When fighting Mike Tyson, get up on 9. You will usually get full health, except for your third time doing this (you still get more than normal though).

Punch-Out main screen
Play Mike Tyson using the password (wikihow)

Mike Tyson’s Punch Out Passwords

135 792 468, press A+B+Select on the last number.Another World Circuit
800 422 2602Busy Signal
075 541 6113Busy Signal 1
206 882 2040Busy Signal 2
267 853 7537Change Record to 89W – 2L – 89KO
005 737 5423Don Flamenco
005 737 5432Major Circuit
005 737 5423Major Circuit
007 373 5963Mike Tyson
032 730 8442Piston Honda (2nd fight)
231 750 7438Super Macho Man, 0W – 0L
267 853 7538Super Macho Man, 13W – 0L
239 950 7638Super Macho Man, 20W – 0L
239 010 7738Super Macho Man, 30W – 0L
277 754 7438Super Macho Man, 40W – 0L
277 814 7538Super Macho Man, 50W – 0L
275 954 7638Super Macho Man, 60W – 0L
275 014 7738Super Macho Man, 70W – 0L
131 760 7438Super Macho Man, 80W – 0L
131 820 7538Super Macho Man, 90W – 0L
940 861 8538Super Macho Man, 99W – 0L
106 113 0120, press Select+A+B to register passwordView The Credits
777 807 3454World Circuit

Heal between matches

In-between fights, when Doc is talking to Little Mac to cheer him on and psyche him up for the next round, and while the opponent is talking.

Press SELECTLittle Mac will heal a little bit extra when the next round begins.

You can still play the classic game using an emulator. Emulators are available for PC as well as mobiles. Mike Tyson’s Punch Out was only launched for the Nintendo Entertainment System during its release time, but the game’s success prompted them to release in other platforms.

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