Money in the Bank 2022: Results, Winners, Grades: How many championships will change hands?

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The Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship, the United States Championship, the RAW Women’s Championship, and SmackDown Women’s Championship will all be on the line on WWE’s latest pay-per-view event – Money in the Bank 2022.

Women’s Money in the Bank ladder match – Becky Lynch versus Asuka versus Alexa Bliss versus Liv Morgan versus Raquel Rodriguez versus Shotzi versus Lacey Evans

Becky Lynch and Asuka brawled inside the ring while the other Superstars went outside and attempted to bring ladders to the ring. Asuka delivered a hip attack to Raquel Rodriguez and followed it up with a DDT to The Man on the ladder and a knee to Liv Morgan. Rodriguez showed her power game and deliver a suplex to both Morgan and Lynch simultaneously on a ladder. Liv Morgan hit a knee off the ladder to send Shotzi outside the ring. Big Time Becks hit a leg drop to the likes of Evans, Morgan, and Asuka.

Bliss hit a Swanton to take out Lynch, Morgan, and Asuka. The Empress of Tomorrow returned to the ring and hit a German Suplex to take out The Goddess. Asuka dropped Shotzi into a ladder with an arm drag. Evans took out Asuka with a diving Uppercut. Shotzi was the first one to get her hands on the briefcase but Evans dropped her. Evans almost got the briefcase but Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan met her upstairs. Liv hit a powerbomb to take Evans down. Bliss took out Rodriguez. Shotzi took out Bliss.

Lynched entered the ring but was set up on a ladder by Shotzi. The youngster dived off the top rope to hit a senton but Lynch rolled out of the way as Shotzi landed back-first on the ladder. Asuka was placed on a ladder by Rodriguez. Lynch took out Rodriguez and climbed a ladder to deliver a leg drop to Asuka. Bliss and Evans had climbed a ladder while Raquel Rodriguez and Shotzi climbed a ladder just beside them.

The Climax

Lynch dropped both the ladders and the two women perched on top of it. In the end, Lynch and Liv climbed two ladders that were set up side by side. Lynch kicked Liv’s ladder but the latter managed to show tremendous ring awareness and used her leg to catapult off the top rope and hit a knee to drop Lynch. The former Riott Squad member unhooked the briefcase to become the new Ms. Money in the Bank.

Winner – Liv Morgan

Grade – A+

Theory (c) versus Bobby Lashley – United States Championship

The crowd was firmly behind the veteran Bobby Lashley. The Almighty hit a one-handed powerbomb on Theory followed by a forearm to the face of the youngster. Lashley tried to drive Theory into the ring post but the champion drove knees to the head of the veteran to escape. However, two minutes later, Lashley managed to send Theory into the ring post. Both men got back to the ring and the 24-year-old dominated the proceedings with some hard-hitting blows. Theory set up Lashley on the top rope.

The former nailed a dropkick to rattle Lashley. Vince McMahon’s protege tried wearing down Lashley with a headlock as fans got behind the former two-time United States Champion. Lashley remained in the lock for a long time before using his power to get back up to his feet. A beautiful belly-to-belly suplex followed by a clothesline in the corner and Lashley got back control of the match.

Lashley shoulder-pressed Theory and hit a power slam for a near fall. Theory came back into the match with a rolling dropkick. Lashley got Theory up on his shoulder but the latter managed to escape by raking the big man’s eyes. Theory hit a spear and tried to follow up with an A-Town Down but Lashley countered into the Hurt Lock to make the heel tap out.

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Grade – A

Liv Morgan was interviewed backstage. She was asked when she would cash in her contract and on whom she might choose to cash in. Morgan said that she has one whole year so the possibilities are endless. For now she will celebrate her win.

Bianca Belair (c) versus Carmella – RAW Women’s Championship

Carmella hit a kick to Belair’s midriff and dragged her to the mat by her hair. Belair got back up in a jiffy and showed the impressive power she possesses. Outside the ring, Belair stopped an onrushing Carmella with a shoulder tackle. Carmella finally managed to get some offense going her way with a Superkick followed by a series of elbows. Belair picked up Carmella on her shoulder but the latter once again dropped the EST to the mat by pulling her hair mercilessly.

This infuriated the champion as she hit an overhead suplex followed by a huge right hand to turn Carmella inside out. Carmella sidestepped Belair as the latter went shoulder-first into the ring post. Some more trash-talk followed by a few slaps further infuriated Belair and the champion finished the match with a KOD. After the match, Carmella attacked Belair before leaving the ring. However, as Carmella went towards the stage area, the EST got back on her feet and the two women had a standoff to end the segment.

Winner – Bianca Belair

Grade – B

A WWE credit card promotional segment was shown from earlier on in the night when Bliss was chatting with her doll Lily. Lily was surrounded by some WWE merchandise. Bliss asked what gift Lily bought for her. A box was placed beside Lily. Bliss opened the box and it contained a pair of rollerskates that were Lily’s size. Bliss thanked Lily but requested her to ask her for her size the next time.

The Usos (c) versus The Street Profits

Angelo Dawkins hit a superkick and flattened Jimmy Uso. The big man tagged in Ford who got up on the top rope to attempt a frog splash but Jimmy rolled out of the ring. Jey got the tag in. Ford hit a dropkick and tagged in his partner. Dawkins dropped Montez Ford on top of Jey to continue dominating the match. However, The Usos got back into the match with a double-team suplex on Dawkins on the ring post.

The Usos did well to isolate Dawkins and made frequent tags to keep themselves fresh. Dawkins finally managed to make the tag. Ford dived off the top rope but was met with a Superkick from Jey. The heels began wearing down Ford. Jimmy was not the legal man but he hit a drive-by behind the referee’s back to pay homage to Roman Reigns. Jimmy and Jey made frequent tags and slowed down the speed of the match. Jey didn’t forget about Dawkins who was waiting in the ring apron for the tag. Jey dropped Dawkins with a Superkick so that Ford had no chance to make the tag. Ford finally managed to muster some offense as he delivered a suplex on the ring apron. Dawkins got the tag and hit a 360 splash on Jimmy followed by a step-up enzuigiri.

Ford and Dawkins dropped Jimmy with a double-team move. The former RAW Tag Team Champions delivered a blockbuster to Jey but all they managed to get was a two count.

The climax

Jey and Dawkins exchanged some right hands. Jimmy and Jey teamed up to send Dawkins shoulder-first into the ring post. Ford got hit with a double Superkick. Ford managed to drop both his opponents outside the ring. The talented youngster jumped outside the ring and wiped out The Usos.

Dawkins hit a Spinebuster and tagged in Ford who hit a Frog Splash and went for the cover but Jimmy broke things up just in time to keep the match going.

Jimmy tossed Dawkins into the timekeepers’ area. Back inside the ring, The Usos hit Ford with a double Superkick. They followed it up with a 1D to win the match and keep their reign going.

After the match, on the replays, it seemed that Ford’s right shoulder was up. The commentators agreed that the shoulder as well. Ford and Dawkins were furious after the mishap from the referee.

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Winners – The Usos

Grade – A+

We saw a teaser with images of crows and churches. Is Bray Wyatt returning? Commentators act confused so we will have to wait for more information.

Ronda Rousey (c) versus Natalya – SmackDown Women’s Championship

Natalya got the first submission hold of the match as she got the ankle lock on her opponent. However, Rousey reversed into an ankle lock of her own. Natalya took a breather as she went outside the ring. After returning back, Natalya sent Rousey into the middle rope and dropped the former MMA star with a Discus Clothesline. Natalya began dominating the match by wearing down her opponent with a rear naked choke. The Queen of Harts seamlessly transitioned from one submission hold to another. Rousey got back into the match with a kick to Natalya’s midriff. The former followed up with a knee to the jaw of her opponent. Natalya tried locking in an armbar but Rousey managed to block. The champion countered and locked in Natalya in a Sharpshooter.

Natalya managed to reach the ropes to force Rousey to break the hold. Both women slapped each other. Natalya sent Rousey outside the ring and locked in a Sharpshooter on the ring apron.

Rousey managed to use her leg strength and sent her nemesis back-first into the ring post. Eventually, Rousey locked in a modified version of an armbar to make Natalya tap out.

Winner – Ronda Rousey

Grade – A

Ronda Rousey (c) versus Liv Morgan – SmackDown Women’s Championship

Rousey was feeling her right leg towards the later stages of her match with Natalya. Liv Morgan came out to the ring and cashed in her Money in the Bank contract, trying to take advantage of the wounded champion. However, as the match started, Rousey put Liv in the ankle lock as it seemed the hopes of the youngster would go up in smoke. Liv managed to counter into a roll-up to get the win.

After the match, Rousey handed over the SmackDown Women’s Championship to Liv. The UFC Hall of Famer gave the new champion a hug and raised her hand before leaving the ring. Morgan celebrated with the title as the WWE Universe cheered for the new SmackDown Women’s Champions.

Winner – Liv Morgan

Grade – No grade as the match lasted about a minute.

Adam Pearce came to the stage area and said that the show has been great and it was time to add one more member to the main event. It was none other than Vince McMahon’s protege Theory.

Men’s Money in the Bank ladder match – Riddle versus Omos versus Seth Rollins versus Madcap Moss versus Sami Zayn versus Drew McIntyre versus Sheamus versus Theory

McIntyre and Sheamus tried to team up to get rid of Omos but the big man thwarted them and dashed their hopes. Omos delivered a Powerslam to McIntyre. The Nigerian Giant got hold of a ladder and used it to clear the field. Sami Zayn was hiding behind a ring post as he wanted nothing to do with Omos. Riddle came to the ring and tried to lock in a submission on Omos. McIntyre came to the ring and delivered a Claymore to finally get rid of Omos for the time being. Drew and Sheamus delivered a total of fifteen Beats of the Bodhran on Theory’s chest. Rollins dropped a ladder on McIntyre and Sheamus to knock them out.

Riddle dropped Rollins on a ladder and hit a senton. Madcap Moss and Riddle went up on the top rope. Omos returned and dropped Moss. The former RAW Tag Team Champion delivered a Powerslam to Riddle. Theory received a Chokeslam from the Colossus. Eventually, four wrestlers worked together to knock Omos off his feet. They piled about 10 ladders on top of Omos. Madcap Moss was about to climb the ladder but he decided against it as he saw Sami Zayn perched up on the top rope. Moss delivered a vicious Powerbomb to Zayn who landed back-first on a steel chair that was set up on the bottom rope. McIntyre came to the ring and climbed a ladder but Sheamus caught him and planted him with White Noise.

Riddle entered the fray but got hit with an Irish Curse Backbreaker. Sheamus set up Riddle against a chair and went for the Brogue Kick. However, Riddle evaded and delivered a Hangman DDT to take out Sheamus. Riddle went up on top of a ladder and delivered a Floating Bro to take out McIntyre, Miss, Sheamus, and Rollins.

Superstars teamed up to take Omos out

Omos came back to the ring and wiped out everyone in sight. Riddle tried to lock in a Sleeper hold on the Nigerian star but it didn’t work. Omos dropped Theory with a Double-handed Chokeslam. All the Superstars worked together to take out Omos. Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick, Zayn hit the Helluva Kick, and McIntyre delivered a Glasgow kiss. All the Superstars together picked up Omos and dropped him through the announce table.

The competitors began a slugfest. McIntyre was about to win the match but Butch stopped him in his tracks. Sheamus wanted to take advantage and win the briefcase but McIntyre showed great power by bench pressing a ladder with Sheamus on top. The Scottish Warrior hit a Claymore to Butch to take him out.

All Superstars went up on the ladder but couldn’t get a clear pass to the top. Riddle brought a huge ladder to the ring. Rollins was perched on a smaller ladder beside him. Riddle delivered a devastating RKO to Rollins from the top of the ladder.

Riddle slowly climbed the ladder but Theory climbed the other side of it. Both men engaged in a slugfest on top. Eventually, the 24-year-old dropped Riddle and captured the briefcase.

Winner – Theory

Grade – A

Overall pay-per-view grade – A

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